Hey again, everyone. All summer we've had a basket of flowers setting on a post on our deck. They were very pretty. The other day my wife noticed four eggs in the basket. They were the size of marbles. They were tan and brown in color. At first we thought they belonged to a Carolina wren that likes to hang around. However, days and weeks went by and no bird was ever seen around them. As the flowers drooped we decided to throw them in the woods, reasoning that the eggs had been deserted by their mother. I think we both suspected they might be snake eggs, which is a drag. When we dumped the pot it was full of tiny ants. Ignoring them, my wife decided to break open an egg to see if her arch enemy, the snake, might be involved in a trojan horse type of plot to scare her. The egg was empty so we went back inside the house. Today we went back out there and a baby snake was writhing about. I killed it by grinding it...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.