Hey, everyone. On Thanksgiving, we had a get-together here at The Author's Green Retreat. One lady brought a cake which I wanted to show you. It had the look of a Roman Coliseum about it. Inside it was just as decadent...and fun, as ancient Rome. When I cut it open, homemade marshmallow cream began to ooze out in several spots, running over the chocolate cake and peanut butter icing. It is best served warm so the cream is fluid. Very tasty. The same lady, and her children, are people who have played a lot of Skyrim. They gave me some pointers on the game because I am having problems with it. They taught me how to fast travel, and a ton of other things, but the main thing was the armor and clothing problem. This is a little embarrassing, but let me explain.
Okay. For several weeks when I played, I would enter towns and everyone I met would comment on my nakedness. I would select a tunic and shoes, whatever, go back around people and they would say something about it. I guess I was clicking on an item of apparel, which clothed me, then when I hit escape, it would take the garment off. You can imagine my relief when I suddenly was able to go forth with a more conservative appearance. The lady also found some armor for me. I was overjoyed. Visions of returning to Bleak Falls and whipping those bad skeletons who had been taking my lunch money sprang into my mind. I was secretly hoping that the guest could bequeath me a cool, super sword or something that would raise me to a higher plane. I was embarrassed to ask.
So, I hit the save button and went back to eat yet more food, including some tasty pudding my wife made with chunks of strawberries. Later that night, when I returned to the odd world of skyrim, I found my armor had not been saved. I probably did the save wrong or didn't go through a transitional doorway or the like. At any rate, I was clothed. I returned to the aforementioned skeletal bullies and got my butt handed to me again.
So, the moral of this story is this: Cake is better than swords, especially if one is clothed. Be grateful. I'm CE Wills, level three of Skyrim. That's me in the picture above (?below). A guy who looks like Thor and plays like Jane. Good day.

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