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Showing posts from September, 2011

Game Review: Shadowgun

     Hey, everyone. The new week of app store games rolls around late Thursday night or Friday, depending on where you live. Those of us who are waiting for quality shooter games scan the names in vain most of the time. This week we have a good one called Shadowgun .      Let's talk money first. It's an expensive game for I-Pad. It is $7.99. Normally I pass on these high end games until the price crashes to earth after a few months. This time I got a wild hair as we say here in the states. I bought it. I had read every review I could find and I really haven't agreed with most of their reasons for criticism. One person said it was too easy. I am already stuck at a place where I am battling a Cyber Lobster. He is a bad dude and I have hit him with hundreds of rounds of ammo without killing him. This is from a guy that always selects the easiest level.      Another guy said that he felt it was boring and repetitive and that the ...

Game Review: Robot Wants Kitty

Hey, everyone. It's coolish, here at the green retreat, and the leaves are getting serious about turning color. The dull red of dogwood, the bright red of sourwoods, yellow of poplar and the faint orange of birch are making the woods bright. The high for today was in the 64 degree range and it will be cool tonight.     It's hard to know where to start, since I haven't talked to you for a week. I am certainly getting more work done on my books but I miss the blog.    Let's talk games for a bit. Recently I downloaded a freebie for I-Pad called Robot Wants Kitty. Is this a cool title or what? It seems that a lonely robot is in need of something warm and fuzzy in his cold metallic world. He wants a kitten to hold and pet. So, he sets out through a maze in search of tactile satisfaction. At times he can see the cute little kitten, just inches away, but there is a wall preventing him from holding his new friend. To be honest, there are times when the game can be a ...

The Rage Decision, Backstab and A Woman Of Depth

     Hey, everyone. Today is the 24th of September. The new, full version of the game Rage goes on sale on October 4th. Therefore a decision is looming for this gamer. People have been pre-ordering this title for months. It is likely that it is going to be, perhaps, the greatest video game in history. I play my I-Pad version of this game almost daily and it is the best game for I-Pad there is, in my humble opinion. The I-Pad version is only a small piece of the game depth that is going to be featured in the full game. Unfortunately, the full game will be available for X-Box, PC, PSN and PS3. There is no telling when or if the full version will come to I-Pad.     I have never played a video game on PC and I have no idea if it would be lame or not. I am one of only 3 people on Earth who doesn't own an X-Box. I do have a Wii, which I never play.      I really don't want to get involved in another system of game playing. You just kee...

Hairy Back, Leaf-Eating, Sword Toting Spider

Hey, everyone. Sometimes you get a special treat when you live in the woods. For example, I just encountered an odd spider. I wanted to think up a cool name for him but I couldn't think of one. I will call him a hairy backed, leaf eating, sword toting spider. Can you make out the sword design on his back? I suspect that :1) His mom was a Japanese beetle and his dad was a granddaddy longlegs. As such, he grew up with a ninja, anime fetish and had a tattoo put on his back of a sword, to intimidate his enemies. Or 2) There is a legend that whosoever finds the sword on a spider's back and has the strength to lift it, will become the King of Camelot. Perhaps some red neck Merlin has instigated this. 3) This spider has been peeking in the windows and watching me play innumerable games like Prince Of Persia, Warrior Within, Backstab and Hero Of Sparta 2 . The spider got so into it that he developed a mutation on his back. He is now a swashbuckler and is intent on rallying all spiders...

New Book and New Games and Wild Turkeys

    Hey, everyone. True to my expectations, I have been writing more since I quit blogging. I just finished writing a rather long short story. It's about Cedric Gant, the gunman in The Last Notch . I have submitted it to Amazon and Smashwords and I am awaiting approval. Over the next week or so this title, called Notch 2, should be all over the place; Apple, Sony Books, Diesel, Kobo, Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble and Scrollmotion. The price for this ebook will be $.99, as are my other titles at the moment.       It's been nearly 3 weeks since I blogged and I have missed it. There has probably been 100 times that I have thought about something I would like to tell you about. Blogging is a strangely addicting thing. For instance, I saw 15 wild turkeys and 2 deer this morning, within 50 feet of my back door. They were so tame that they ran off a few feet and went back to grazing. I was studying the difference between the way that a turkey...