Hey, everyone. My wife and I got out of the woods for a while today. We dined out and then went to a movie. We saw a movie called The American, with George Clooney. I had read some reviews on it a few weeks ago. The reviews were negative and guess what? They were wrong. We both liked it. Both of us gave it a 4 stars out of 5. It was really good. George Clooney plays an assassin who's dissatisfied with his work. He has several people who want to kill him and he has no idea who he can trust. As an added worry he falls in love with a rather lovely prostitute who may or may not be a friend.
There was very little music with the movie and I found this quite relaxing as it enabled me to focus more fully on the plot. It seemed like the movie intentionally turned away from the use of a formula which is used to reap the maximum dollars. I can identify with this because it is my style as well.(as a writer)
For all you Ipad folks, I have a couple of web sites you might like. Just Another ipad Blog and ipad.net. These are not my sites, okay? I just ran across them.
Changing subjects yet again I'd like to mention some blog nuances which you may be more aware of than I. Although I have no idea where my readers are from specifically, nor do I want to know, Google gives bloggers a stats tool which tells them stuff like which countries have the most hits on your blog. Very cool. I did not even know about this until a few nights ago. When I started looking this over I noticed viewers in China, India, Russia, Australia, all over the world, really. This surprised me a bit because I am a non-techie and I still underestimate this internet thing. At the risk of sounding like that mouse down in Orlando, it's a small world after all.
Goodnight Singapore, from the green retreat. CE Wills
There was very little music with the movie and I found this quite relaxing as it enabled me to focus more fully on the plot. It seemed like the movie intentionally turned away from the use of a formula which is used to reap the maximum dollars. I can identify with this because it is my style as well.(as a writer)
For all you Ipad folks, I have a couple of web sites you might like. Just Another ipad Blog and ipad.net. These are not my sites, okay? I just ran across them.
Changing subjects yet again I'd like to mention some blog nuances which you may be more aware of than I. Although I have no idea where my readers are from specifically, nor do I want to know, Google gives bloggers a stats tool which tells them stuff like which countries have the most hits on your blog. Very cool. I did not even know about this until a few nights ago. When I started looking this over I noticed viewers in China, India, Russia, Australia, all over the world, really. This surprised me a bit because I am a non-techie and I still underestimate this internet thing. At the risk of sounding like that mouse down in Orlando, it's a small world after all.
Goodnight Singapore, from the green retreat. CE Wills
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