Hey, everyone. I have a few recommendations tonight. First, the song. Try Where The Boat Leaves From by the Zac Brown Band. Always loved the beach type music, probably because I love the beach. I also like Toes and Highway Twenty Drive by the same guys. I wrote a blog about Keith Richards book the other day because it sounded very interesting to an old duffer like me. I bought it today and spent a lot of time reading it. After only a few chapters let me say it's really special. Four stars out of four, at least thus far. Let me say I'd recommend you get the free sample and read it from Amazon, Apple or whoever. If you've been born in the last forty years or so you may not relate as well to this book. Keith Richards has a gift of bluntness and honest memory that is endearing. Some of us engage in selective memory loss, chiefly about our own faults. Mr. Richards seems not to remotely consider being politically correct or concerned about sparing any...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.