Hey, everyone. We finally got a good rain early this morning. It was desperately needed. All the leaves are gone except for a few stubborn hickory trees that have some yellow leaves fluttering in the stiff breeze. Reminds me of the old song by the Mamas and the Papas, California Dreaming.
Just for fun, I thought I'd describe my study, where I typically sit and type these posts. There's a computer desk with printer and a big monitor that helps people like me that have bad eyes. There's three large sets of shelves for books, crammed full of hardcovers and paperbacks. On one wall are framed covers of the four novels I have e-published, beside a large print of Marilyn Monroe. You younger folks who don't know about Marilyn just think of any modern blond bombshell and magnify a lot. Also on that wall is a Baltimore Colts pennant and a jersey that says Maddux on the back. There is a rack with two guitars, one acoustic and one electric.( as though it matters, I can't play either one) There is also a small amp and above it are some music sheets pinned to the wall.
Above my desk is a large print of Elvis Presley as a young man and I think it was taken during the filming of Love Me Tender.
There is a rainbow colored pig that walks and snorts when you wind it up. It is next to the football I mentioned yesterday. Other than that there are a few photos and a beach ball I caught at a concert a few years ago. In yet another sign of my advanced age, the concert was the Beach Boys.
There is a recliner behind me and on it is a briefcase. In the briefcase is my I-Pad and several composition books. In those composition books are several stories, complete and not so complete, along with ink pens and other necessities, like my I-Pod.
There is also a tambourine, a microphone on a stand, a shredder and a defunct laptop. Oh, yeah, there is also a baseball bat from the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. That's another story.
I have a window on my right that I can look out of and see nothing but trees. It's a good place to write or think, which is why I call this place the Author's Green Retreat. The main reason I named it was to have an address for the blog.
Sometimes I blog from the I-Pad, which is fine for that task.
I've been playing an old song on the keyboard which is titled, In My room. I'll blame that for the rather mundane post I've just typed. Until next time. CE Wills
Just for fun, I thought I'd describe my study, where I typically sit and type these posts. There's a computer desk with printer and a big monitor that helps people like me that have bad eyes. There's three large sets of shelves for books, crammed full of hardcovers and paperbacks. On one wall are framed covers of the four novels I have e-published, beside a large print of Marilyn Monroe. You younger folks who don't know about Marilyn just think of any modern blond bombshell and magnify a lot. Also on that wall is a Baltimore Colts pennant and a jersey that says Maddux on the back. There is a rack with two guitars, one acoustic and one electric.( as though it matters, I can't play either one) There is also a small amp and above it are some music sheets pinned to the wall.
Above my desk is a large print of Elvis Presley as a young man and I think it was taken during the filming of Love Me Tender.
There is a rainbow colored pig that walks and snorts when you wind it up. It is next to the football I mentioned yesterday. Other than that there are a few photos and a beach ball I caught at a concert a few years ago. In yet another sign of my advanced age, the concert was the Beach Boys.
There is a recliner behind me and on it is a briefcase. In the briefcase is my I-Pad and several composition books. In those composition books are several stories, complete and not so complete, along with ink pens and other necessities, like my I-Pod.
There is also a tambourine, a microphone on a stand, a shredder and a defunct laptop. Oh, yeah, there is also a baseball bat from the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. That's another story.
I have a window on my right that I can look out of and see nothing but trees. It's a good place to write or think, which is why I call this place the Author's Green Retreat. The main reason I named it was to have an address for the blog.
Sometimes I blog from the I-Pad, which is fine for that task.
I've been playing an old song on the keyboard which is titled, In My room. I'll blame that for the rather mundane post I've just typed. Until next time. CE Wills
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