Hey, everyone. Just got back from the movie. The Social Network is about the creation of Facebook. It is a show that is a bit different from the normal movie formula. I found it refreshingly different, well-acted and a terrific show. I'd give it 4 stars out of 4 and that's rare for me.
So, this movie answers the biting questions: 1. How can a couple of guys form a corporation worth 25 billion dollars? and 2. Can a guy who is (like me), less than gifted socially, create a program that gives the gift of socializing to millions of people? I mean, he didn't grow a white beard and become a hermit.This guy had more juice than that. He had a brilliant mind and perhaps, at least according to this account, a tad of ruthlessness. By the way, Sean Parker, who developed Napster music service, is portrayed in this movie as well. He became a stockholder in Facebook also.
As an action movie fan, why am I amazed when a show about lawsuits and technology is far from boring? A good writer can make things entertaining and boy, was this a tale to work with?
In the book writing business there's a saying, 'Where there's a hit, there's a writ'. I guess this may be just as true in the technical industry.
Hey, I wish I could say that my dinner was as good as the show, but alas, I cannot. CE Wills
So, this movie answers the biting questions: 1. How can a couple of guys form a corporation worth 25 billion dollars? and 2. Can a guy who is (like me), less than gifted socially, create a program that gives the gift of socializing to millions of people? I mean, he didn't grow a white beard and become a hermit.This guy had more juice than that. He had a brilliant mind and perhaps, at least according to this account, a tad of ruthlessness. By the way, Sean Parker, who developed Napster music service, is portrayed in this movie as well. He became a stockholder in Facebook also.
As an action movie fan, why am I amazed when a show about lawsuits and technology is far from boring? A good writer can make things entertaining and boy, was this a tale to work with?
In the book writing business there's a saying, 'Where there's a hit, there's a writ'. I guess this may be just as true in the technical industry.
Hey, I wish I could say that my dinner was as good as the show, but alas, I cannot. CE Wills
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