Hey, everyone. I think our squirrels are stressed because the oaks are not producing many acorns. The dry weather has caused this and it's the fewest acorns I've seen at the green retreat. Maybe that's why the little guy was trying to get in my bedroom window the other morning. He suspects I have an acorn stash under my bed.
There were a few years that we had a bird feeder here. The squirrels were a real nuisance as they would go to extraordinary lengths to get the food. We even bought a feeder that had an ingenious device which I'll try to describe. The area where a bird stood to eat was hinged so that a squirrel's weight would cause a plate to slide over the food. The squirrels figured a way around this. They put their feet against one of the side walls and their hands against the other and pushed to hold themselves up. Then they twisted their heads down to eat. I said they were 'Rambo' squirrels. My wife said that if she had a video of it, she could win the Funniest Home Video.
On another bird feeder my wife greased the pole that the feeder stood on. The squirrels would climb up and slide back down with a funny look on their face. Then they would frantically try to clean their paws. Very amusing. I hope this doesn't sound cruel but squirrels are not good people. They are larcenous and a wee bit selfish. I saw them eat through a 5 gallon plastic bucket to get to bird feed. We had a hummingbird feeder that was plastic. Yes, that's correct. The squirrels ate through it and drank the sugar water.
My advice is, don't get in a battle of wits with squirrels. If you could teach them to type they would probably blog about me. Come to think about it, I hope they don't find out I've been talking about their bad manners...
From the squirrel place. CE Wills
There were a few years that we had a bird feeder here. The squirrels were a real nuisance as they would go to extraordinary lengths to get the food. We even bought a feeder that had an ingenious device which I'll try to describe. The area where a bird stood to eat was hinged so that a squirrel's weight would cause a plate to slide over the food. The squirrels figured a way around this. They put their feet against one of the side walls and their hands against the other and pushed to hold themselves up. Then they twisted their heads down to eat. I said they were 'Rambo' squirrels. My wife said that if she had a video of it, she could win the Funniest Home Video.
On another bird feeder my wife greased the pole that the feeder stood on. The squirrels would climb up and slide back down with a funny look on their face. Then they would frantically try to clean their paws. Very amusing. I hope this doesn't sound cruel but squirrels are not good people. They are larcenous and a wee bit selfish. I saw them eat through a 5 gallon plastic bucket to get to bird feed. We had a hummingbird feeder that was plastic. Yes, that's correct. The squirrels ate through it and drank the sugar water.
My advice is, don't get in a battle of wits with squirrels. If you could teach them to type they would probably blog about me. Come to think about it, I hope they don't find out I've been talking about their bad manners...
From the squirrel place. CE Wills
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