Hey, everyone. About 17 months ago, I started a blog here. I have enjoyed it but now it is time to call a halt to this enterprise. The amount of work involved is huge and there is really no reward, other than some fun. So this will be my last post.
There have been over 300 posts published and I feel like they were good. People in 71 different nations have read them, which is very cool. I tried to watch what I said, knowing that I had a diverse crowd of folks to address. The internet is that great bridge across the chasm of our environments. Where one geek can tell another geek about a cool game or an animal that made him laugh. Where we can even blow off a little steam if we don't get carried away.
With my increase in available time, I hope to finish writing a few more books before I go to that great mystery reserved for each of us.
Since many of my visitors only come around every few weeks, I plan on leaving this last post on the page for a while. I don't want people to come on the page and wonder if I have croaked or something.
I'd like to thank Carley, my wife, for her invaluable assistance with the blog. She did the photos, edited posts and above all supplied encouragement to me.
Thanks for reading!
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills, ex-blogger.
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