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Zombie Road Trip and Cube Cannibalism

    Hey, everyone. I have had a bit of fun with a free game called Zombie Road Trip. It is a zombie apocalypse and you are tasked with surviving a harsh environment. You are being chased by a motley aggregation of zombies who are certainly portrayed in a cute manner. You can outfit your vehicle with weapons and fire them by tapping on the right side of the screen, above the flip button.
    You can flip your car in mid-air, either forward or backward. As if the horde that is on your heels is not pressure enough, there are brave zombie dudes who rush at you from in front. Their selfless task is to slow you enough, with their dying breath, to allow the horde to overwhelm you. I admire their grit. Ha, ha.
    You, on the other hand, must shoot these chivalrous undead so that they cannot slow you down. As you progress from level to level, the scenery changes, transporting you from green hills to a rock quarry. At times you advance to a point where you can't see the horde behind you but can almost feel their fetid breath on your neck ... er, bumper.
    Speaking of bumpers, I have purchased, with in-game cash, earned by my exploits, a doodle bug, and outfitted it with a rifle.
     This game is
1) Cute
2) Free
3) Fun
4) The in-apps could be a little cheaper.
5) There is a cool bird. He can be shot while you are airborne. This, among other things, gives you bonus points. He squawks at such times and the feathers fly.
      I just bought a mustang. It is yellow. I am a level two escapee, I guess. I like this game, but be warned, there are ads. I don't understand the spinning wheel and the roulette thing between rounds, either. Check it out and see what you think.
     Hey, guess what? I downloaded an update for two games the other day. Both of them messed up the game so that they won't even open. Namely, Deadzone and Bladeslinger. Some games, though probably not these two, are actually messing up their games with updates so that you will have to buy the new version of said games. My wife is very upset with Fairway Golf. Frankly, if you are enjoying a game it is probably best that you don't do updates. Maybe Apple will get a hold on these folks.
     Last Sunday, I went back and played most of Mass Effect: Infiltrator again. I played the early levels over and over until I built up credits enough to buy a lot of cool upgrades. This made the game so much more fun, since I was outfitted in a manner more befitting my rank and talents. Ha, ha. I think that game is on sale now for a cool 99 cents. It is a great game and a steal at that price.
     Also, I got a free game called Death Call. It is a shooting gallery game. I normally don't like those but this one is fun. it is also free and has a few wrinkles added. You have a shield to put up if you need to recover your health. There are different western characters who dare to oppose you, along with some aliens and explosive devices. The difficulty ramps up and makes it rather challenging. I played it for an hour or so and found it to be a pleasant diversion from my duties.
    Hey, I heard about an odd food treat the other day. A lady I know makes Buttermilk Popsickles. Yeah, I know! It is freaky. My wife likes to put a big scoop of cole slaw in her chili. Everybody's taste is different, I suppose. I like a little mayonnaise in pinto beans, so I have no right to critisize others.
    Well, good night from the author's green retreat. This is CE Wills.
P.S. Carley is playing a free game called Edge Extended. It is a puzzle game in which you must roll a cube around a geometric landscape and capture various other cubes in a display of shape cannibalism that I find alarming. Just kidding. She likes the game and gives it 4 stars out of 5.


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