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An Open Letter to Game Developers

     This is a request to all those game developers that submit games to the app store. Please put an easy category on all your game levels so that semi-geeks can win eventually. I mean, hey, guys. I work a job and other things. I can't just play video games. Another news flash for you, not everyone wants to play on-line multi-player, okay? Don't make the game so we have to have other players to win. That leaves the hermits out in the cold.
    I scrounge and read and work and find some dynamite games. I win some levels, enjoy it, then boom! The grim truth rears its ugly head. I don't play that well.
     Seriously, it's like an epidemic in gaming. Let's take the phenom, Angry Birds. I really like it but I get to a certain level and it drives me nuts trying to overcome, baby! Same with Fragger. On Spiderman, I can't get past the Rhino because he flees too fast. What good are the awesome graphics of N.O,V.A. 2 if the two monstrous mechs blast my scrawny butt back to the stone age every day? Are developers trying to force us all to play multiplayer so that eventually we can link up and solve world hunger and bring about universal peace? I thought games were made to be fun? Perhaps they think we'll have to buy more games, faster, if we can't get past the half-way point on any of them. Great marketing tool.
    It's really simple. Just give an option in the menu. You can even make it a thinly veiled insult. Click Here If You Can't Deal With It And Need A Weakened Experience.
    If you would, let me rant a bit more. I got the free sample of Iron Man. The level they gave me for free was fun because I got to fly. I always wanted to do this but have only been able to do so a few times in my dreams. So I happily skip along to the app store, in my ignorance, and buy the full version. Guess what? The level I just completed is locked until I achieve some stuff. Stuff that would take a 10 year old about a day, maybe. I am still there weeks later. Games that I have written glowing reviews for on these pages now turn on me like a dog that I have fed and nurtured. Games like NFS Undercover and NFS, HOT PURSUIT, BIA2 and others.
    How pathetic is this? Asking your wife to get you past a certain level so you can relax and have fun again? The next thing you know, the developers will be selling level passes for as much as the games. I jest, because at least one developer has already done this, to the outrage of the citizenry.
    So I say to you, oh developers, only half in fun, set the elderly free to have fun. Create an easy button like the commercial. Set my people free.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


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