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Game Review: Letterbox

    Hey, everyone. I bought a game this morning which you may enjoy, if you like word games. It is called Letterbox and it cost $1.99.
    This game has superb graphics and animations. In addition, I think the developers have been reading my blog because they actually put explosions in this game to make it more palatable with the shooter crowd. Here's the recipe.
    There is a tower of blocks, with each block bearing a letter. The 3D feature insures that there is depth, as well as height and width, giving several layers of blocks which can be accessed by spinning the tower with your finger of choice. Ha, ha.
     You must spell out words by tapping letters, of course. You can spell them across, down, up, diagonally, and can even wrap around to another side of the tower by means of spinning the tower. You must use at least three letters per word, which challenges my vocabulary. Over the course of the game I endeavored to spell words like 'see', 'spot', and 'run', to honor my favorite novel.
    Anyway, what I like most about the game are the power-ups. The best ones are the bombs. If you double tap those dudes, they blow up themselves and the blocks around them, helping to whittle your pile down to  size. The object of the game is to reduce the pile to nothing. On my first effort in Chill Mode, I did a respectable 96% of the tower. The game told me that I had used the word 'dog' more than any other gamer, so I have that going for me.
     Some of the other power-ups are a sideways arrow which rotates a row of blocks and a block with a question mark, which is a 'wild card'. It will be your fantasy block and pretend to be any letter you want. Ha, ha.
   A really cool power-up is the 'Quake' block. In a fine animation, the whole building shakes and the higher blocks fall to the tops of the lower blocks.
    To save you a bit of confusion, let me say that the title page has a list of choices, for modes. I suggest that you select the row of blocks which spell out Chill Mode. In this mode there are no time constraints. We puzzlers rarely like to be pressured by the time thing.
    As we speak, I am downloading the much-anticipated Max Payne Mobile. This just came out at 11 Pm and is basically the PC version of the game, crammed into an I-Pad app. The dude is a hefty 1.11 Gigs in file size. It is the story of a guy whose family is murdered. Max seeks revenge, as well as the resolution of a dark mystery. From what I hear, this game is going to be very cool and I assure you that I will make it a point to do a review in the near future. For a game of its depth, I am pleased to say that the price is a very reasonable $2.99.
   Also, the terrific shooter game called Mass Effect Infiltrator has just issued an update. It has new content, retina display support and other goodies. One very good bit of news: the developers have listened to us and gave us the option to aim and shoot, instead of the 'tap to aim' feature.
    It is late and I am weary. I bid you a good evening, from the author's green retreat. I'm CE Wills, the speller.


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