Hey, everyone. Another weekend is upon us, thank God. Today I bought the newest shooter game for IOS and boy, is it good! The name is Dead Effect. It is a space shooter, similar to Dead Space, Mass Effect and Shadowgun, at least a little. It is several hundred megabites of game with no in-apps, rare in this present time. I'd like to thank the developers for that.
You play the role of a lady warrior who is tasked with ridding an interstellar craft of a plague of Zombies. Early in the game you get a comm link and this guy starts talking to you. I swear, the dude sounds just like the Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. You start out with a pistol and work your way up; to a shotgun, assault rifles and the like. One of my favorite weapons is a very early one. It shoots an electrical charge at the zombies and you have all this lightning flying around as the undead...uh...die. See above picture.
About the title. When you start finding the bodies, if you're sharp like me, ha, ha, you suspect foul play. It gets fouler as you go along, too.
You open cabinets to find ammo and money. Cool. There are healing machines that you climb into, like a tanning bed, and you are healed within 5 seconds. You had better hope that there are no zombies around, because you are helpless during the process. It gives another layer of strategy, remembering where the last healer is located.
There are augmentation machines also. You step into them, pick the part of your body that you want enhanced... shame on you for that naughty thought, and press apply. Presto! "We can make her better than she was". That's what they said on the old TV show called The Six Million Dollar Man. Whatever.
You pick your character and you have the ability to upgrade weapons. There are also a variety of zombies and some of them are bad boys. In fact, a boss called Razor was voted the guy most not wanted to share a prison cell with, in a recent survey. That's a joke.
This game is $3.99 and very much worth that price. In fact, I'd say that it has vaulted into my top ten I-Pad games of all time. Check it out, if you are so inclined. By the way, I almost forgot to tell you about slow time. Later in the game, you can tap a button, like Max Payne, and time will grind into slow motion. It is a huge help in the battles.
There are mini-games involved. You must match shapes of stick figures, actually. Then you can move on to greener pastures. These pastures are very green indeed and I'd recognize this game as 5 stars out of 5.
I'm CE Wills.
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