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Product Flirtation With the Tech Unicorn

    Hey, everyone. Yesterday I was at Best Buy and I was looking at the display for the new I-Phones; 5s and 5c. The sales girl was nice and we talked to her a while. She said that they still had the 5s in stock, which surprised me. According to her, they had the 64 Gig model of the 5s in the Silver and the Space Grey. This really surprised me as I'd read all the stories on line about their unavailability. Now, I don't remotely need 64 Gigs of space, grey or otherwise. Ha, ha. So, I didn't buy it.
     The sales lady also said that they had plenty of the 5c in stock, except for the yellow one. If I was going to buy one, I'd want the yellow one, I think, because it is a macho color, but I hear that the 5c is basically a 5 with the plastic body. (Insert joke here?)
     My phone (I-Phone 4s) is not all that important to me and is not my life as it is with teens. I use it mostly for phone calls and to check e-mail. I think I have texted on it three times and played a game on it once. So, any shopping I do for the 5s is merely "Product Flirtation" with the latest thing and will not be consummated.
     I am not crazy about my tech devices fingerprinting me. I am aware that you can turn the ID feature off, but that won't stop it from being abused and misused, as recent revelations so aptly have demonstrated to our allies around the globe. I admired the spunk of the Brazilian President for calling a spade a spade at the U.N. the other day. She let it be known that spying on your friends was not acceptable behavior.
     I suppose that it was to be expected that folks have documented signing in to their phone with a funny list of body parts. I find this charming and a little kinky. Just thinking about it brings disturbing visuals to mind. It also brings a new meaning to "My phone is my life" statements. Ha, ha.
     Not that I really want the gold I-Phone 5s, but after Tony Stark let me down the other day, I went to the on-line Apple Store and checked availability for the 5s (Gold) (16 Gig). It was indicated that a store in Nashville and another in Indianapolis had the Tech Unicorn, that will-of-the-wisp, that fleeting, glimmering apparition, that wondrous mirage, in stock. No, I did not at once set out on a quest for same. I am stronger than that. I am made of sterner stuff.
    As a consolation prize, however, I downloaded IOS-7 on my Padster and phone. That file is three-fourths of a Gig! Big changes from Mr. Ivy and his compadres. I like the new system so far. I like its gentle colors and the overall feel of it. I tell myself that it is a new phone now. Sigh. No amount of fantasizing can make it gold, however.
     Hey, the new photo file is certainly laid out differently, with the ability to select years and collections etc. I really wish that they would have put an extra thing in there. To whit, the ability to easily delete any photo from I-Pad without deleting it from everything, including the PC. I have over 3000 pics on my Padster. Ridiculous. Many of them are screen shots I took for gaming reviews.
      I went to Settings on my I-Pad and selected a new screensaver. It is one of those where there are different colored bubbles that have a screen animation. They gently move around as you gaze at them. I understand that it is messing with some people's inner ear, dizziness and things like that. Perhaps this feature will come in handy for hypnosis as we are being fingerprinted and located by black helicopters. Ha, ha.
     Well, I would love to sit and talk about frivolous B.S. all day, but duty calls and I have to wash my front porch and weed-eat the yard. It is grim reality that even a geek has work to do. We have to re-enter society and do physical things, as distasteful as that may be.
     From Tony Stark's former friend, CE Wills.


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