Hey, everyone. I thought I'd tell you folks from foreign climes a bit about another odd custom we have here in the U.S.A. It involves ritual torture of eggs, among other things. We call it deviled eggs and it is a bit different than what springs to mind at the term. Sure, you picture an imp sticking a pitchfork into the quivering egg, while laughing diabolically. It is not like that and no eggs were harmed in the making of this blog.
Oh, about the title. Check out the picture of this egg, which had a navel. Cool, huh? It was an 'inny' not an 'outey'. Does this point to some genetic deformity in the egg? Perhaps. Who knows what kinkiness hides behind the hard-shelled facade of egg-dom?
What we do is boil a bunch of eggs. Then we peel the eggs, giving them a ceremonial bath; then cut them in half, pulling the yolks from the eggs. We then fill the white parts with a paste that looks suspiciously like a concoction of egg yolk, mustard, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Then sprinkle paprika on top.
Kids seem to love the things and moms tend to stop them from eating too many, as it causes Fartus Muchimus on the long drive home. Hey, sharing is caring.
As you can guess, our Holiday dinner has been delayed until tomorrow. So I am assisting Carley in her preparations, including egg-stuffing.
She hurt my feelings a while ago. It happened on this wise. I asked her to take a picture of our assembly line. As she was using my I-Phone ( 4s) (Not gold), she says "Gee, it didn't even check my fingerprint before letting me use it. Ha, ha, ha." This was a snide reflection on the fact that she has an I-Phone 5s (silver 16 gig) and I have none. I certainly do not have the I-Phone 5s (gold, 16 Gig) of my dreams. Sure, it hurt, but I bore it manfully, while still laboring over a hot egg. Sniff.
One more note on wife-related cruelty. The minx photo-shopped that picture of me, (above, in the blue shirt) so that it would appear I had a beer belly. She's a great kidder. How I've suffered for my craft!
From the fast-paced, live on the razor's edge world of the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills, egg stuffer.
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