Hey, everyone. It is a bit of a pill today, weather wise. There is a howling wind, snow and the temperature is dropping quickly. I have just returned from town. I bought a massive sub sandwich. Not a nuclear sub but just bread, meat, cheese and fixings.
This morning I had a good time. Why? I played the new game called Duke Nukem, Manhattan Project. I must confess that this is my first time with the Dukester and I like him a lot.
The game is a very reasonable $1.99 and I don't think it will require in-apps to beat it. I am only on the second level, though, so I might be wrong. It is not a huge file download either. It is around 200 MB, I think. On the app store, I saw some complaints about the save system.
Duke and I are tasked with an important mission. It seems that a bunch of gators and hogs are dressed up in people-type clothing and threatening New York. We are running around rooftops and scaffolding and ventilating the buffoons with an array of weaponry. We find the occasional pipe bomb. They make an impression, even on ourselves, sometimes. If we get caught in the blast, our ego loses points. I guess that 'ego' in this game and the health bar in other games would beSynoni the same. Ha, ha.
This Duke guy is a real hoot, right from the start. When I chose the 'easy' level of difficulty, the big, blond rascal called me a name that is similar to 'sissy' but infinitely more insulting to a guy. It would seem a poor sort of a way for comrades to start a campaign. Nevertheless, I forgave him and we have been marching against our foes.
The game play is really fun. I happened across a jet-pack just moments ago. I always wanted one of those, since I saw James Bond use one, back in the day. Very cool, for me.
Duke has a really smart mouth on him, which I like, to a point. Other than the sissy comment, he runs his lip at our enemies, not at me, so I don't mind that at all. When he threw a pipe-bomb at some bad guys and blew them up, he said "Clean-up on Isle 4". Hence the title of this post.
Sometimes we'll hear a faint cry from a buxom female. When we break through a wall to where she is imprisoned we have to tap a switch to release her. She is always very grateful and Duke has a cool remark of some sort. He certainly has a way with the ladies. Not.
I like it when I find a power-up. There is one which turns you red. Not in your actual body, but your on-screen character. It gives you double power for a while. The main thing we try to find, of course, is the nukes. On every level the dangerous pieces of tech are scattered around. You have to find them and the 'babes', I reckon, in order to be considered a success at your mission.
At the present time, I have gone underground to search for a device. It is located above a moving treadmill. (Guess all treadmills move, by their very nature.Ha, ha.) Anyway, if you jump up and get the device, you are moving against the flow of the treadmill. Meanwhile, there is a hog shooting at you. If you should fall or quit jumping you are swept into a blast furnace. Your smoking bones are ejected out the other end and it is time to start over. I have had my bacon smoked numerous times, thus far, but I am yet undaunted.
Hey, there was a tough challenge to get past in the first level too. I couldn't figure out how to get past a fence. I could see the yellow key card I needed, just beyond my reach. Finally, I went to you-tube and watched a walk through of the first part of the game. I found that I had to jump up and grab a pipe and walk hand over hand until I got beyond the fence. That's the way it is in the high-pressure, live on the razor's edge world of Duke Nukem and CE Wills.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
P.S. The scene above is in a room where the water below Duke is electrified. There is a switch on a scaffold that turns the power off.
This morning I had a good time. Why? I played the new game called Duke Nukem, Manhattan Project. I must confess that this is my first time with the Dukester and I like him a lot.
The game is a very reasonable $1.99 and I don't think it will require in-apps to beat it. I am only on the second level, though, so I might be wrong. It is not a huge file download either. It is around 200 MB, I think. On the app store, I saw some complaints about the save system.
Duke and I are tasked with an important mission. It seems that a bunch of gators and hogs are dressed up in people-type clothing and threatening New York. We are running around rooftops and scaffolding and ventilating the buffoons with an array of weaponry. We find the occasional pipe bomb. They make an impression, even on ourselves, sometimes. If we get caught in the blast, our ego loses points. I guess that 'ego' in this game and the health bar in other games would be
This Duke guy is a real hoot, right from the start. When I chose the 'easy' level of difficulty, the big, blond rascal called me a name that is similar to 'sissy' but infinitely more insulting to a guy. It would seem a poor sort of a way for comrades to start a campaign. Nevertheless, I forgave him and we have been marching against our foes.
The game play is really fun. I happened across a jet-pack just moments ago. I always wanted one of those, since I saw James Bond use one, back in the day. Very cool, for me.
Duke has a really smart mouth on him, which I like, to a point. Other than the sissy comment, he runs his lip at our enemies, not at me, so I don't mind that at all. When he threw a pipe-bomb at some bad guys and blew them up, he said "Clean-up on Isle 4". Hence the title of this post.
Sometimes we'll hear a faint cry from a buxom female. When we break through a wall to where she is imprisoned we have to tap a switch to release her. She is always very grateful and Duke has a cool remark of some sort. He certainly has a way with the ladies. Not.
I like it when I find a power-up. There is one which turns you red. Not in your actual body, but your on-screen character. It gives you double power for a while. The main thing we try to find, of course, is the nukes. On every level the dangerous pieces of tech are scattered around. You have to find them and the 'babes', I reckon, in order to be considered a success at your mission.
At the present time, I have gone underground to search for a device. It is located above a moving treadmill. (Guess all treadmills move, by their very nature.Ha, ha.) Anyway, if you jump up and get the device, you are moving against the flow of the treadmill. Meanwhile, there is a hog shooting at you. If you should fall or quit jumping you are swept into a blast furnace. Your smoking bones are ejected out the other end and it is time to start over. I have had my bacon smoked numerous times, thus far, but I am yet undaunted.
Hey, there was a tough challenge to get past in the first level too. I couldn't figure out how to get past a fence. I could see the yellow key card I needed, just beyond my reach. Finally, I went to you-tube and watched a walk through of the first part of the game. I found that I had to jump up and grab a pipe and walk hand over hand until I got beyond the fence. That's the way it is in the high-pressure, live on the razor's edge world of Duke Nukem and CE Wills.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
P.S. The scene above is in a room where the water below Duke is electrified. There is a switch on a scaffold that turns the power off.
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