Hey, everyone. I thought I might speak again about the excellent game called Far Cry 2. Though an older game, I consider it a great shooter game and would like to extend my review to a second installment.
Since we last talked, I have taken several naps, which is a hobby of mine in real life. I also accepted a contract to kill a guy at an airfield. This is not a hobby of mine in real life. Ha, ha. To complete the macabre job, I walked all night. The naps helped me to be able to function, no doubt. Plus, by traveling at night I was able to slip past a couple of camps without fighting a bunch of guys. As I approached the airfield, the sun was rising above a huge tree. (What do they call these thick rascals, a baobab tree? Wilbur Smith could tell me. At any rate, I paused to watch the sun rise, enthralled by the beauty. I crouched to walk the final few hundred meters, which made my legs stiff. I tried to approach silently but as you might guess, I was soon in a shootout with a lot of guys. I finally prevailed and slipped away from the compound, after perforating the guy in the suit. It was the first suit I had seen and I don't know if he was a gangster or not. In real life I would be on the side of the good guys, believe me, but here I am just a mercenary. But, there is worse news than that.
The lady I mentioned before, who became my ally after I released her from captivity? She is deceased. It happened in a tragic way. While trying to broker a deal with an armed faction, she was caught in a crossfire between yours truly and the above-mentioned guerrillas. I don't mean furry, chest-beating animals, either. The first I knew of her death was when she showed up in my journal as a mercy killing. This made me feel guilty and bummed out. I wouldn't have hurt her for all the diamonds in Africa. Sigh. Sorrow upon sorrow came later, when my other friend died while awaiting me to rescue him. I was unaware of where he was or who kept shouting for help.
Bereft of friends, I decided to pour myself into my work and the pursuit of diamonds. I took over a safe house and got a better gun, a big fifty caliber that has a hundred round clip. That put a little confidence in me. I had a little more glide in my stride.
This is the friend I spoke of. She was a Cuban, originally, and I wonder what led her to this place of war. Alas, I was not even able to give her proper burial. By the way, have you seen the furor over the treatment of women in Grand Theft Auto 5? I watched some of the clips of the game and they are fairly rough. I offer no criticism, as I write violent books myself. Still, I hope guys don't think that abusing women by word or deed is cool in real life. Perhaps the NFL has yet to learn this lesson. 'Nuff said.
But, to carry on with my game persona, I evened the score with those who were instrumental in my friends' demise. Some of them were white, and European, judging by their accent.They came a long way to die.
The guns jam a lot in this game. For that reason I have found it imperative that you reload your weapon during lulls in battle. Otherwise, you may have to shift to a machete quickly to avoid disaster. Once I just started throwing Molotov Cocktails at the enemy, even if they were really close. I actually burned myself in my panic. Ha, ha.
I also went to a chemical plant and shot it out with some good ole boys. It was not a fancy place like Dow or somewhere. No, it was aluminum sheds with rusted walls. Just violent men, trying to make a living by fair means or foul. Speaking of foul, check out this pollution.
Perhaps I'll use some of my diamonds to have the place cleaned up later.
Hey, guess what? I have been tasked with stopping a convoy of trucks from reaching a certain area. I agreed to do it, but have since learned of a problem with the mission. The convoy is moving! Wow, that had not occurred to me. They wouldn't have asked this of me, if they saw how badly I drive. (In the game) So, I planted an IED at a forking of two roads. To my shock, the trucks took a branch that missed my little trap. Bummer.
Hey, guess what else? I have Far Cry 3 on my P.C. I bought it when I bought the first two games. When I started to try it out, I found that I had to go on Ubisoft's web site and sign up for something called Uplay. I guess this is similar to Steam's sign-up thing, which makes the process seem repetitious and needlessly aggravating. Now, I totally understand paranoia about piracy, since I have novels and books for sale on a dozen venues. Heck, I found one person selling one of my books on her web site. At any rate, there are a lot of gamers mad about the Uplay thing. I read a lot of the reviews about it.
Well, if I finish Far Cry 2, I will do Review:Part 3. Adios.
I'm CE Wills.
Since we last talked, I have taken several naps, which is a hobby of mine in real life. I also accepted a contract to kill a guy at an airfield. This is not a hobby of mine in real life. Ha, ha. To complete the macabre job, I walked all night. The naps helped me to be able to function, no doubt. Plus, by traveling at night I was able to slip past a couple of camps without fighting a bunch of guys. As I approached the airfield, the sun was rising above a huge tree. (What do they call these thick rascals, a baobab tree? Wilbur Smith could tell me. At any rate, I paused to watch the sun rise, enthralled by the beauty. I crouched to walk the final few hundred meters, which made my legs stiff. I tried to approach silently but as you might guess, I was soon in a shootout with a lot of guys. I finally prevailed and slipped away from the compound, after perforating the guy in the suit. It was the first suit I had seen and I don't know if he was a gangster or not. In real life I would be on the side of the good guys, believe me, but here I am just a mercenary. But, there is worse news than that.
The lady I mentioned before, who became my ally after I released her from captivity? She is deceased. It happened in a tragic way. While trying to broker a deal with an armed faction, she was caught in a crossfire between yours truly and the above-mentioned guerrillas. I don't mean furry, chest-beating animals, either. The first I knew of her death was when she showed up in my journal as a mercy killing. This made me feel guilty and bummed out. I wouldn't have hurt her for all the diamonds in Africa. Sigh. Sorrow upon sorrow came later, when my other friend died while awaiting me to rescue him. I was unaware of where he was or who kept shouting for help.
Bereft of friends, I decided to pour myself into my work and the pursuit of diamonds. I took over a safe house and got a better gun, a big fifty caliber that has a hundred round clip. That put a little confidence in me. I had a little more glide in my stride.
This is the friend I spoke of. She was a Cuban, originally, and I wonder what led her to this place of war. Alas, I was not even able to give her proper burial. By the way, have you seen the furor over the treatment of women in Grand Theft Auto 5? I watched some of the clips of the game and they are fairly rough. I offer no criticism, as I write violent books myself. Still, I hope guys don't think that abusing women by word or deed is cool in real life. Perhaps the NFL has yet to learn this lesson. 'Nuff said.
But, to carry on with my game persona, I evened the score with those who were instrumental in my friends' demise. Some of them were white, and European, judging by their accent.They came a long way to die.
The guns jam a lot in this game. For that reason I have found it imperative that you reload your weapon during lulls in battle. Otherwise, you may have to shift to a machete quickly to avoid disaster. Once I just started throwing Molotov Cocktails at the enemy, even if they were really close. I actually burned myself in my panic. Ha, ha.
I also went to a chemical plant and shot it out with some good ole boys. It was not a fancy place like Dow or somewhere. No, it was aluminum sheds with rusted walls. Just violent men, trying to make a living by fair means or foul. Speaking of foul, check out this pollution.
Perhaps I'll use some of my diamonds to have the place cleaned up later.
Hey, guess what? I have been tasked with stopping a convoy of trucks from reaching a certain area. I agreed to do it, but have since learned of a problem with the mission. The convoy is moving! Wow, that had not occurred to me. They wouldn't have asked this of me, if they saw how badly I drive. (In the game) So, I planted an IED at a forking of two roads. To my shock, the trucks took a branch that missed my little trap. Bummer.
Hey, guess what else? I have Far Cry 3 on my P.C. I bought it when I bought the first two games. When I started to try it out, I found that I had to go on Ubisoft's web site and sign up for something called Uplay. I guess this is similar to Steam's sign-up thing, which makes the process seem repetitious and needlessly aggravating. Now, I totally understand paranoia about piracy, since I have novels and books for sale on a dozen venues. Heck, I found one person selling one of my books on her web site. At any rate, there are a lot of gamers mad about the Uplay thing. I read a lot of the reviews about it.
Well, if I finish Far Cry 2, I will do Review:Part 3. Adios.
I'm CE Wills.
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