Hey, everyone. Another hot day at the green retreat. I've been preparing things for the cookout tomorrow. I cut the grass, scrubbed the decks and set up tables. Carley is baking cookies and pies. She has some steaks and chicken soaking in Dale's sauce. I think I'm gonna hook up a microphone and amp to my keyboard. Several of the guests are musical, with one guy who has his own band. Looking forward to meeting him. He plays guitar, as well as keyboard, so it's nice to think of someone actually using my electric guitar. I gave my acoustic to one of the grandkids, since I never could seem to make my aged fingers make those chords. Other than that all I have is a really crummy-sounding mandolin. I am something of a experimenter with beer. I never miss a chance to try a new one. I bought some called Landshark . I think it might be produced by Jimmy Buffett but I can't say that with any certainty. They say you should drink them with a little ...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.