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Western 1849

     Hey, everyone. This evening I am awaiting the arrival of Modern Combat's newest version to your friendly neighborhood app store. While I am sure it will be a great game, I have been playing another game today. It is entitled Western 1849. I write some western stories and very much like gunmen of the old west. This is the story of a gunman who arrives in a town too tough to tame. Though a little green, the shootist takes over as the town's lawman and must rid the town of undesirables.
    I started out with a 'Rubbish Gun'. No, I'm serious. That is what they called it. They are fair about the in-game gold coins, though, and even on my humble sheriff's salary, I was able to buy a secondary weapon called a common rifle. The rifle is important when the riff-raff you are fighting hides behind a cactus or on a rooftop that is a stretch for your Colt.
      The gameplay is quite simple and quite fun, actually. As you begin the gun battle, you are behind crates and barrels and buckboards. There are a bunch of hard-case outlaws hiding behind stuff and jumping up to shoot you now and then. You also must stand to shoot and head shots are the best alternative. Those are an immediate kill. As you are shot, your health meter goes down and you may have to use a healing kit to survive.
    The med kits are bought with in game cash that you don't have to buy with real money. You also use 'game' money to buy ammo.
     You slide from side to side with a swipe of your finger. Then you hold down on the stand button which allows you to 'sight in' on a bad guy. Once you kill all the villains, you grab your reward and play another round.
     During gameplay you can swipe down to reload your weapon. In the upper right is a button which is used to switch between primary and secondary weapons. You also have a yellow stick of dynamite. When it lights up you can tap it, then throw it at your enemies, which is fun. I hope you won't think me barbaric in regards to my enjoyment of this. By the way, it is cool to shoot a guy's hat and see it fly away.
    Like most games, you can upgrade your weapons. I like the sound effects of the game. Occasionally, during a lull in the gunfight, you might hear a horse whinny or an eagle screech. The dance hall girl is appreciative of your gun skills and a merchant has a quavery voice due to his fear. There are in-apps which are reasonably priced. I played the game enough so that I would have felt guilty if I had not bought something, so I did. I think gamers, readers and others miss the fact that creative people need to be recompensed for their work. Like someone learning piano, who never gets to play a song, but keeps working, hard work without some sort of reward will eventually cause folks to quit working. If we don't reward creative people we are not getting away with anything. Rather, we are losing creative people from a world that can ill afford to lose such folk.
      I must say that I didn't relish the fact that when you 'die' your character loses his character progress. He can still use his advanced weaponry. Therefore, use some of the in-game coin to keep yourself well-stocked with med-packs.
       As I await Modern Combat 5: Blackout, this is CE Wills, from the author's green retreat.


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