Hey, everyone. I have been sitting on the porch, this late summer evening. The cattle are bellowing, over on the hillside. It is in the low 80's and very nice. I have a glass of iced tea, my I-Pad and ... a Squirt. That's right. A Squirt is a being. It looks like a big drop of dark ink, with eyeballs. On a good day, they'll just spin if you tap them. Sometimes a group of them will attack you. Then again, if you have a certain potion, they will follow you around like love-sick puppies, with little red hearts hovering around them. Well, you guessed it. I am playing the latest hot game on the app store called Bastion . I splurged on this $4.99 game for several reasons; chief of which is the fact that I was told that I would not get stuck on it and waste my hard-earned dinero, like many of the premium games. This seems to be true, as I have played it for several hours and made steady progress. If you are not a highly skilled gamer, do this at the begin...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.