1) Why is Spiderman so darn unlucky? I'd like to see the dude happy, prosperous and blessed. I was so happy for him, about 40 years ago, when he bought his first motorcycle.
2) Why is it always rainy in Gotham City? Why can't Batman move to Nassau and wear a Speedo, get a tan and all that? Or, he could just add a touch of color to his drab costume. Maybe a rainbow-hued scarf around his neck?
3) What do the stars signify, if anything, on Wonder Woman's blue panties? Is it similar to the U.S. flag? Are there that many city-states on her island nation? Does Hera have that many daughters? This is something that must be brought to light. It is something worthy of an Indiana Jones movie. I need a battered Fedora to wear, and a whip, to delve into this mystery. The title? C.E. Wills and the Stars of Mystery.
4) What is the Hulk so mad about? Does he hate being green? The environmental folks should love him. Does he have diaper rash? Is he tired of buying new clothes after he 'hulks out'?
5) If Spiderman married Black Widow, what would their kids look like?
6) Thor's hammer is cool, but could you roof a house with it?
7) If Aquaman dated a human chick, would she complain about him smelling like a fish?
8) If you became jealous of Green Lantern's powers, would you turn green with envy?
9) I'd like to see interaction between Marvel Comics' characters and DC Comics. Aquaman could fight The Submariner. The Avengers could fight the Justice League.
More on this fascinating subject, later on these pages. Right now I need to eat some wheat germ and yogurt.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
P.S. The Pics are, in order. Hickory, Crepe Myrtle and Burning Bush.
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