Hey. everyone. I just finished watching episode 2 (current season) of Game of Thrones. I wanted to share a few thoughts about that long lost age of Westeros. You know, those ancients that Tyrion likes to talk about; the ones with the great technology which can't be duplicated anymore. Their cities lie in ruins and the denizens have a creeping crud known as Greyscale. Jorah Moremont has a case of it. I believe that we will learn that this ancient world was really our world. Earth, modern day. An Earth whose nations took things to the nuclear brink and beyond. Once annihilated, life started over with rudimentary tribes, then Kings and Queens and creeping things. Dragons, created in the last days by Gene Manipulation labs in China, survived for a while, because they really didn't mind the fire or radiation that much. Just a few swords were still around, valued much for their resilience, beauty and quality. They...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.