Hey, everyone. I had the most wonderful dream last night and I thought I'd share it with you. The dream was this: I was playing a guitar and singing along with some old song from my youth. It was true to life in that I didn't sing that great, nor was I ready for the stage as far as the guitar went, but I played quite acceptably.
As you folks know, I have always wanted to play the guitar. I have an acoustic and an electric, both covered with dust. I can barely make a few chords and it's a rare occasion when I make them sound right. My aged hands are stiff and years of using power tools have not really helped my aspirations.
When I awoke from this dream, I had such a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of peace. I truly enjoyed it. The funny thing is that when I awoke and I looked in the mirror, I had a scratch across my nose, over an inch long. It was bleeding a bit and I couldn't help but wonder if I had broken a string during the dream and it had wounded me. Or perhaps I was using my nose to make chords on during my sleep and hadn't trimmed my nails. It's more likely that I was visited by a bug which bit my nose and I scratched the itch caused by this nocturnal attack.
I can say that I enjoyed this dream more than any dream I've had lately that did not involve Angelina Jolie. Has it inspired me to renew my assault on the bastion of guitar skills? Nah. Has it encouraged me that dreams can indeed come true? Nah. Was it a sign that good things are coming for me? Was it in the nature of a parable, my sub-conscious trying to reveal some deep truth? Probably not, but the scratch looks quite dashing.
From the land of dreams, I'm CE Wills.
As you folks know, I have always wanted to play the guitar. I have an acoustic and an electric, both covered with dust. I can barely make a few chords and it's a rare occasion when I make them sound right. My aged hands are stiff and years of using power tools have not really helped my aspirations.
When I awoke from this dream, I had such a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of peace. I truly enjoyed it. The funny thing is that when I awoke and I looked in the mirror, I had a scratch across my nose, over an inch long. It was bleeding a bit and I couldn't help but wonder if I had broken a string during the dream and it had wounded me. Or perhaps I was using my nose to make chords on during my sleep and hadn't trimmed my nails. It's more likely that I was visited by a bug which bit my nose and I scratched the itch caused by this nocturnal attack.
I can say that I enjoyed this dream more than any dream I've had lately that did not involve Angelina Jolie. Has it inspired me to renew my assault on the bastion of guitar skills? Nah. Has it encouraged me that dreams can indeed come true? Nah. Was it a sign that good things are coming for me? Was it in the nature of a parable, my sub-conscious trying to reveal some deep truth? Probably not, but the scratch looks quite dashing.
From the land of dreams, I'm CE Wills.
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