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Movie Review: Limitless

    Hey, everyone. I ventured off the mountain today, down into the haunts of men. I'll tell you about a movie I saw, then later I'll tell you about some other stuff. The movie is Unlimited. This is a story that you would have to call science fiction, but in the not so distant future you may call it reality.
     Bradley Cooper plays Edward Morra. If you looked up loser in the dictionary you would see this guy's picture. He has freeloaded off his girlfriend for years. He claims to be a writer but can't seem to put words on paper. His woman leaves him; he is a scroungy, dirty dude with no future, no drive and no money. He is about to be evicted from his scummy apartment.
    Then he bumps into an old friend. The friend wants him to try a new drug which comes in the form of a small, clear pill. What Edward doesn't know is that the pill is pretty awesome. The drug is designed to unlock the true potential of the human brain. We only use about 20% of the brain's capabilities and this drug enables people to utilize 100%. Sweet, right? Well, yeah.
      Suddenly Edward is a different person. He is like Albert Einstein on an acid and speed binge. He writes a terrific book in 4 days.  He suddenly remembers everything he has ever read, or saw or heard. In a week he has become fluent in several new languages. He starts making tons of money in stocks, doubling his money every day. That's when he comes to the attention of Carl Von Loon, played by Robert De Niro. Carl is a multi-billionaire and he wants the now brilliant Edward to help him with a huge merger.
     But Edward is now wanted by more people than, well, he's really wanted. These folks include a Russian mobster, a crooked lawyer's hired killer and even the police. To make matters worse he finds that there are side effects to the drug. Serious side effects. Plus, he needs a stash to ensure a continuation of his brilliance.
     During this movie there was not a sound out of the crowd. I think they were riveted, as was I. Maybe riveted is a bit strong but we were at least lightly bolted down. Ha, ha. This movie would be a good place to go this weekend if you have a date. My date was at work but I went anyway. 3.5 stars out of 4 is my opinion. I'll be back to post again this weekend, probably tomorrow. From the writer's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


  1. Um ... limitless is the movie you are describing i think

  2. You are correct, and thanks for your comment.

  3. I wanted to like this movie as soon as the premise became clear (super-smart drug and the possibilities). The best part of the movie to me was the special effects and camera work showing what being on the drug was "like" the first time it took effect. That was a nice minute or two.

    After that, I found it very disappointing.

    First, for intelligent people, the geeks on TBBT are a lot more realistic for how intelligent people look and act (all other things being equal) compared to regular people. Somehow the protagonist suddenly looks all polished and beautiful and almost super-human in his magnetic conversational ability and life of the party immage -- nonsensical.

    Now, add to that that the guy takes quite a while to think of the idea of investing with his intelligence. And his investment style is pretty kludgy (wants to make a lot of money quick in stocks, but options aren't used? Sure). Meanwhile he knows more about medicine than cancer specialists. Again, sure.

    But mainly, the whole thing just doesn't go anywhere, until the end. I don't want to give that away, but it's pretty lame -- and like at least 100 other movies end, generally.

    One of the best aspects of the Daniel Keys novel "Flowers for Algernon" was the incredible writing, giving the reader a sense / a glimpse of the mind of Charlie, the protagonist, near the peak of his intelligence (where he may be the most intelligent man ever, following special brain surgery). This was, IMO, a real feat.

    I guess you just can't do that kind of thing in a movie -- like in the Farenheit 451, I loved the soliloquy of Montag's thoughts as he floated down the river near the end of the novel. In the movie version, which is generally true to the spirit of the novel, you get NONE of that great content.

    And except for the concept of the pill, WHAT was "science fiction" about this movie? The description in the TV listing as a SF movie is part of why I watched it. Unless I missed something, that was a completely false description.

    And the rest of it was just all too pedestrian -- like 9000 other movies. Good guys. Bad guys. Guns. Threats. Fights. Blood. Car chases and crashes. Foot chases. Threats and rich corporate guys in fancy suits. Penthouse apartments and near-slum apartments. A little sex. Nothing fresh, nothing new, nothing even surprising.

    So, I wanted to like it, but like so many grade B movies, it's like it was sloppy and unfinished.

    1. Hey, I'd like to thank you for your comments. Your point concerning books to movies is well taken. It must be tough for a director to do justice to some of the great books they acquire. When I look back on some books like Tom Clancy's, for instance, it would intimidate the heck out of me to have to make one into a movie. Executive Orders is one of the greatest books ever written, but could you even cram it into a 5 hour show? Maybe.
      At any rate, I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and I hope you have a good day.
      C.E. Wills.


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