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If You Choose To Accept It

    Hey, everyone. Tonight I have been watching a movie. The title? Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Tom Cruise returns for yet another entry in this franchise. It is good and I enjoyed it. I actually liked it better than the other ones. It was a little over two hours long, but it was action packed and skillfully done. I recommend it. Here's the recipe.
     Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his team of spies are in a bit of a jam. A handful of nutcases have broken into the Kremlin and stolen a launch case, for use in controlling nuclear weapons. Their seemingly self-destructive plan is to start a nuclear holocaust. (Hard to imagine any winners in such a plan) First thing they do is set off a b-o-m-b in the Kremlin itself. They make it look as though the good ole U.S. of A did it. So, Ethan and his pards must get some launch codes back from a lovely assassin. To do this they set up an elaborate ruse, the penchant of this franchise. It takes place inside the tallest building in the world, in Dubai.
     In a nail-biting sequence, Ethan must climb this tower, using some curious but faulty tech; suction gloves. I have worked around heights for much of my life and this filming was good enough to give me the 'willies'. Later in the show there is a cool scene in a parking garage as well. In fact, this is an action fan's fantasy come true. Not quite as good as True Lies, but pretty darn fine.
     Paula Patton stars as the devastating Jane Carter. Jeremy Renner plays William Brandt and Simon Pegg is Benji Dunn. My advice, If you choose to accept it, is that you should watch this one. I'd give it 4 stars out of 5. True Lies would be a 5 out of 5.
    Oh, you were wondering about the picture? Carley made cookies tonight. The peanut butter bars were soft and creamy. The cowpile cookies were just as good. Zero calories, I'm told.
     We bought the puzzle game, 4 Elements 2 this evening. It is a little pricey at $6.99 but it is a good one. It has a great deal of variety and mini-puzzles. I will likely give a review at some point. (We had previously played the free levels.)
     I have been playing a free game called Mutants today. You should grab it while it is on sale for ...nothing. I had a fiasco with it as I bought a small in-app for 99 cents. However, I was buying the in-app because I was enjoying the game quite a bit and felt obligated to buy something. Check it out, if you like, and I'll try to review it before the weekend is over.
     Hey, one more cool piece of tech from the show. They were using a contact lens that had facial recognition software built in. Very handy. This is going to be a pervasive trend in our society in the very near future. It is in use on highway cams at this moment, in certain areas. But in the eye?
    From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


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