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The Genus Dogus Crapus

     Hey, everyone. After a tough week at work, I decided to just hang around the house all day. After being suitably lazy for much all of the morning, I recovered admirably and did some chores. In this rural area, America guys do this thing called "Hauling off the garbage". I took my garbage to the dump. This involves loading plastic bags full of garbage into a truck, or the trunk of a car and getting it out of your life forever.
      I know I have a lot of overseas viewers, which is why I tell about this mundane stuff. If I haul garbage in the trunk of my car, I put it in a big plastic bin so that any leaky fluids will not smell up my car. Obviously, we don't have a garbage service out here in 'the country'. That's okay with me because I don't like for anyone to keep up with my business. I had a friend who worked as a garbage man. He used to try to tell me things about people and I told him I didn't want to hear it. I mean, hauling off other folks garbage is like a sacred trust. You should never violate a confidence. Let's look at an example.
     If you haul off garbage for a priest and go around telling people that his garbage is full of wine bottles, that is severely wrong. You don't know if he was having the sacrament at his place or if he cleaned out the church and just put the garbage out at his home so it wouldn't sit so long. At any rate, it is none of your darn business.
    Most people in the states are now involved in another charming custom. It is called "shredding your mail". People called 'Dumpster divers" are going through garbage in hopes of finding addresses or social security numbers, anything that might aid in identity theft. So folks buy machines that shred the mail into tiny pieces. For me, at my maturity level, the shredders are fun to use. Makes me feel like I'm in a 1970's Bond movie. I like to use the shredded paper to start fires with, as it works admirably.
    When I got home from this adventure, I inspected my lawn. It was beautiful outside and I enjoyed walking around and carefully considering whether or not to cut my grass. It had been 7 days since I mowed. In America that's a week. Ha, ha. Anyway, the grass needed mowing in some spots and really didn't in others. So I carefully considered this monumental decision. I like to wait ten days between mowing. But, I was bored, as you can doubtless tell by my subject matter for this evening. So, I knew that the grass was starting to get brown because winter is coming. But, last year, I mowed on Halloween day. That's about the latest I have ever mowed. I believe that was due to a very hot summer and fall.
     So I mowed my grass. I was thrilled that I didn't run over any dogus crapus. I don't own a dog but on very rare occasions a dog will feel sorry for me, knowing I'm dogless, and come to share the fruit of his body with me. It is better to give than to receive, I guess.
     I finished the job, though, and began a pleasant evening by sitting on my porch. I like to have a few beers and listen to my I-Pod. Actually, I quit the I-Pod and listen to music on my phone, since I have it with me anyway. When I finished this ritual, I took a nap. It really refreshed me and gave me the strength I need to start playing I-Pad games.
    I downloaded several games today and I will list them for you.
1) Gunner Z.
2) Ninjump DX.
3)Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign.
4) Reaper: Tale of a Pale Swordsman.
5) Sage Fusion 2.
     Most of the evening I didn't play these games but rather I played Iron Man 3. I am posting my score on line in hopes that I will be in the top ten thousand in the world and get some prizes like armor, "Iso-8" and "Stark Credits". Tony and I still have a rocky relationship due to him welching on the I-Phone 5s deal we made. (See a previous post.) It hasn't helped that he has put ads on his game. Still, I have this burning desire (Tums? ) to finish the game. I want to kill Modok, Stane and their pards.
     Oh, I know what you're saying.  "Dude, you must be bad if you are that far down in the standings." Well... you have a point. But there are millions of people from all over the earth, and probably other planets, that are playing this game. Some of them do it for a career. I mean, they don't have to work. No crime in that.
    The big Kahuna, number one in the standings, has 37,085,328 points. He leads me by a paltry 36,000,000 points. I know he feels me breathing down his neck as we speak. Ha, ha. I like to read down the list of screen names. There are some cute ones.
     Well, I will try to come back and share my experiences with some of the new games, later this weekend.  Goodnight, from the author's green retreat.
I'm CE Wills.


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