Hey, everybody. Thanks for reading the blog. I've decided to share a bit of my life philosophy with you guys. It's a little something that I picked up during my youth. The occasion was on this wise: I was hiking in the Himalayas and entered a cave. There was a wise man there. The dude had to be 400 years old. I gave him a breath mint and asked him if he could turn me on to something that would change my life. The aged eyes twinkled and he said. "Ain't no thing, my man. You need to know about naps."
"Naps," I said.
"Yeah, there's nothing that life can throw at you which can not be made better by a nap."
"Guess how old I am," he said with a self-satisfied look.
"About 400?"
"27", he said smugly.
I'm getting off the subject a bit. Today I gave my wife some INT because she had a bit of a flu bug. My plan of therapy included, a walk in the woods, a grilled cheeseburger with french fries, three ice cold beers and a nap while I held her. I didn't need the nap but I sacrificed my time so she would sleep better. She awoke feeling no better but she wasn't hungry.
Two years ago, I wrote a song about napping. Would you like to see the words? Hold on while I look through my stuff. Five minutes go by.
Hey, I found it. Here you go.
I'm a few minutes closer to retirement, when I nap.
There's no worries or hard feelings, no one gives me any crap, when I nap.
I'm not tired, when I nap.
I'm not anywhere I don't want to be, when I nap.
I'm not too hot or too cold, and I'm not old, when I nap.
I don't feel dumb when I nap.
I don't fret about things I've said or done, when I nap.
Gas ain't high and there's no bills to pay, when I nap.
Birds sing in the winter and the sky turns blue, when I nap.
Everyone's took one but I've never forsook one, that's my nap.
It doesn't cost a dime and very little time, when I nap.
I nap sitting up, like a cat.
I nap lying down, like a dog.
Sometimes I grunt like a hog, when I nap.
I think you can avoid a lot of strife, when a nap is part of your life.
Like the Mexican siesta, that leads to fiesta, let's nap.
Hey, you Apple folks ought to go to the app store and pick up a free game called Stupid Zombies. Imagine Angry Birds, except easier, in which you are shooting zombies by bouncing bullets off stuff. It's great fun, easy and free. I had so much fun with it that I bought the $.99 version.
Oh, the pictures at the top are here at the green retreat, around Christmas, maybe. One during snow, one during ice. The ice is a drag and don't ever, ever, walk in the woods when the ice is melting and falling off trees. I posted a little video of a baby deer having his pre-nap snack. Hope no one is offended by it. Remember, naps are our friends.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
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