Hey,everyone. It's a foggy night at the green retreat. Do you remember when I mentioned the idea I had for comics? I wanted to have an on-line store for comics similar to I-Tunes for music, except that I would offer any comic ever published for 99 cents each. I was on comixology the other day and saw that they had quite a few older comics for $1.99 each, with a few for 99 cents. I downloaded a copy of a 50 year old issue of Wonder Woman. In this issue she was wearing a skirt instead of the short-shorts. That may tell you how old it was. That site needs someone really good to work on it and make it easier to find stuff. I typed in things like 1960's comics or 1960's Spiderman, Thor etc. and got back a negative result. I think they should drop their prices on older books, also. Current comics are $3.99 each with no ink, no paper to buy. Yikes! Let's gouge the consumer, everybody else does.
Lest I rant, I'll switch over to gaming. Let me start by eating a little crow. The game which I mentioned because my wife really likes it, called Globs? I am really enjoying that game. I won't describe it again, but you should at least check out the free version.
Warm Gun, a shooter which I have reviewed on this site, is on sale for $1.99, just as they released a big update. The update gives you an extra map and improves the game in other ways. It is certainly worth the price of $1.99 but there is so much more room for improvement. If they keep on tinkering with this game it could be really special, but it needs quite a bit of work. The graphics are certainly nice.
As usual, I am stuck on a number of games. As I've said before, I am a poor gamer, not elite at all. I am stuck on the last level of Judge Dredd. I am also stuck on the very end of the original N.O.V.A. I have really enjoyed that game and it was certainly worth the $4.99 price tag. I inserted a screen shot from late in the game. At this point I am battling my way through the innards of an alien tower, being guided by an Artificial Intelligence person named Prometheus. I am now duking it out with a space ship-looking thing with lights which I have to shoot out in order to destroy it. When I kill this thing, I suspect I will be through. I have enjoyed the game very much, indeed.
I bought a game called Puzzlejuice. It was a little complex for me. If you are a puzzler, you might like it, although Carley, the high priestess of puzzling, wasn't crazy about it. By the way, I downloaded a free racing game called Protoxide. It is an odd game. It is a racing game that takes place in a future world. You are racing hovercraft and if your targeting radar 'lights up' a guy in front of you your craft will torpedo the dude. The controls will take some getting used to. There are a lot of weapons and bonuses to pick up as you race and there is a bit of a storyline as well. I have not played it enough to say yes or no concerning this game but since it is free, I thought I would mention it. I am a bit slow on tasting the fullness of any particular game so rather than give a completely tardy review, I thought I'd mention it tonight.
At this time, even as we speak, I am downloading two brand- new, free games from the app store. One is called Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. In this game you play as a guy who has just died. Your spirit wanders about, doing spiritual-type things; such as trying to figure out who you are and who killed you. I have no idea whether or not I will like it. More on that later. I am also downloading a game called Spice Pirates. This game is also free and appears to be a tower defense game. It seems as though you are mining spices from different planets and you must protect your fleet from pirates. I have no idea if it will be good, but I do know that the price is right. Ha, ha.
Well, I'm sorry that I didn't have more on these games but I will tell you if any of them winds up being excellent.
From the gamer's foggy retreat, I'm CE Wills.
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