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Big Rain and History As We Lived It

    Hey, everyone. We have undergone yet another dry spell, so the prospect of a big rain for the next couple of days is welcome. I hope it washes some of the ragweed out of the air.
     I didn't really do a great deal over the weekend. We went out to eat Saturday and did a few chores at home. I watched a little football yesterday on TV. I have a system that I use now about watching football. I only watch games in which one of my teams is playing. I find that I enjoy the sport more that way. Besides, I realized that it was unfair of me to monopolize the programming that much. Women have their preferences, as well as men, and they usually don't want to watch football every day. Frankly, I don't either.
    The NFL has Thursday night games, Monday night games and later in the season they have games on a couple of Saturdays. Of course, on Sundays there are games from 1PM to almost midnight. That's an overdose. Then there are talk shows on, continually, in which people pontificate about the games. That's fine, if you want it, I guess, but I think you'll find your wife will appreciate you more if you practice moderation.
    Moderation is an interesting subject. My personality tends toward being passionate about something for a time, then discarding it, like used chewing gum. Lately, I have played too many games on I-Pad, so I plan to back off of that and read more. I recently went through a stage in which I worked on my house to the point of wearing myself out. Now, I hate to even think about picking up a paintbrush.
     A wise man once said, "Moderation in all things". I think that you should work your job enough to enjoy being off. You should vacation enough to enjoy being home. You should eat out enough so that a home cooked meal is appreciated. If I am off enough, I even enjoy going back to work, sometimes.
    Like the rain coming in. I like nice weather, but I really appreciate a good rainy day. I love to sit and read a book and watch the rain fall. It is relaxing. Sometimes it just takes the pressure off a guy to mow the grass or some other chore.
     Tonight, Peyton Manning and the Broncos come to Atlanta for Monday Night Football. It should be a great game. I almost always pull for Peyton, but I can't tonight. I saw where Andrew Luck got his first win with the Colts yesterday. Both he, and Robert Griffin the 3rd, seem to be the real deal.
     I don't remember if I told you about the old books I bought at a used book store. They are a series of books about the 1970's. They were done by the Associated Press and are full of old pictures and news clippings about the current events of that time. I got a kick out of them, remembering a lot of the happenings, though there were many I did not recall. It was funny, but I found it oddly comforting that the world was in a mess then, as well as now. Perhaps not as bad a mess...
    I noticed an article about the death of Roberto Clemente, the baseball player, as he was on a mercy mission to Nicaragua. Across the page was a photo of J. Paul Getty and Patricia Nixon. Articles about space missions, hijacked airliners and many other things were jolting my memory. If you see them in a store, you might want to check them out.
    I'm CE Wills.


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