Hey, everyone. A nice lady brought us a cake yesterday and it was so visually striking, and so tasty, that I thought that I might tell you about it. My blog is liable to talk about anything, as you know.

The cake is called Checkerboard Cake. She cooked 4 cakes, 2 chocolate and 2 vanilla. She then used cookie cutters to cut the cakes into concentric rings. She alternated the colors as she stacked the cakes, using first one color and then the other for the base, or outer ring. Between the layers she spread butter-cream icing. Here is a picture using cookie cutters as an example.
I hope you can picture the process. The bottom line was that the cake was really good. She also brought a peanut butter cake which was even better than the checkerboard cake.
We have had a nice, lazy day here at the green retreat. Tomorrow we are going on a little road trip, if things go well. Maybe I can update you with some pictures tomorrow, if things go as planned. Until then, I remain your servant, CE Wills.
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