Hey, everyone. I have been surprised just how many cool games are swirling about me as we approach the weekend. I have plenty to talk about for several days, so no point in trying to tell you about it in a single post.
The Dark Knight Rises went on sale for 99 cents last night, down from the $6.99 it demanded previously. Games like Tiny Troopers are free right now. 101 Airborne is a neat little game for 99 cents. War Corps Genesis is a basic shooter that I like a lot, at least during the early stages that I have tried thus far. Bad Piggies is the sequel for Angry Birds, which has you helping, not destroying, those egg stealing piggies. It is 99 cents also. I have bought all these and more in the last day. So let's just start with one game.
Mech Pilot is a new game that uses the Unreal Technology to render great graphics. Let me say up front that this is a different game from Mech Warrior: Tactical Command. That game is an unwieldy $9.99. It appears to be more of a strategy game and the graphics aren't as good. But, back to our game, Mech Pilot. The gameplay is fun and the game only costs 99 cents. For that price, it is a no-brainer. They have given you a choice of three difficulty levels, which I commend them for. Even the 'easy' level is pretty tough. I will say that I played map 2 without successfully concluding level 1, which is very cool. I like the idea of being able to go to different 'maps', to keep from getting bored with the scenery. But, let me give you the recipe for this game.
On a high-tech planet, there are several factions battling for the right to rule. You are an intrepid warrior who happens to be piloting a Mech. You know, one of those robot things, like the Walkers from Star Wars?
This game is 'on rails'. In other words, you cannot roam around. Your path is laid out for you and you can only start and stop your walk. You have an array of weapons at your disposal, but some of them are only given as you 'power up', earning in-game points and buying upgrades. There are ion cannons, missiles, snipers etc.
You use all this hard-core weaponry to blast things, of course. What things? I'm glad you asked. There are enemy mechs of several different types. There are helicopters. There are aircraft and anti-aircraft emplacements, armored personnel characters and other stuff. I must say that strategy is important. The anti-aircraft guns are no threat to you, but threaten your airborne forces. But, what good will it do to get killed early? So, kill those things that are a threat to you, then those that threaten your buddies in the air.
Wait, there is more. When you destroy any of this stuff, they yield their life force, if you will, in the form of a glowing ball called Electro Energy. When it comes out, you must tap and hold a button on the screen until your Mech sucks it up. It doesn't have a taste, odor or whatever but is good to buy upgrades. There are also supposed to be tanks of the stuff hidden in the game, but I have yet to find any, since I have been battling for my virtual reality life, as it were. As I mentioned, this game is only a buck, but in-apps seem to be encouraged. I can't say, as of now, if in-apps will be necessary to advance. I have only played it about an hour. Heck, I have been like a slightly ugly butterfly, flitting from one game to another in an orgy of game gluttony which the world has rarely seen. I still have not played The Dark Knight Rises, or Sky Gamblers, Air Superiority. They sit on my Padster, waiting patiently, for:
CE Wills.
The Dark Knight Rises went on sale for 99 cents last night, down from the $6.99 it demanded previously. Games like Tiny Troopers are free right now. 101 Airborne is a neat little game for 99 cents. War Corps Genesis is a basic shooter that I like a lot, at least during the early stages that I have tried thus far. Bad Piggies is the sequel for Angry Birds, which has you helping, not destroying, those egg stealing piggies. It is 99 cents also. I have bought all these and more in the last day. So let's just start with one game.
Mech Pilot is a new game that uses the Unreal Technology to render great graphics. Let me say up front that this is a different game from Mech Warrior: Tactical Command. That game is an unwieldy $9.99. It appears to be more of a strategy game and the graphics aren't as good. But, back to our game, Mech Pilot. The gameplay is fun and the game only costs 99 cents. For that price, it is a no-brainer. They have given you a choice of three difficulty levels, which I commend them for. Even the 'easy' level is pretty tough. I will say that I played map 2 without successfully concluding level 1, which is very cool. I like the idea of being able to go to different 'maps', to keep from getting bored with the scenery. But, let me give you the recipe for this game.
On a high-tech planet, there are several factions battling for the right to rule. You are an intrepid warrior who happens to be piloting a Mech. You know, one of those robot things, like the Walkers from Star Wars?
This game is 'on rails'. In other words, you cannot roam around. Your path is laid out for you and you can only start and stop your walk. You have an array of weapons at your disposal, but some of them are only given as you 'power up', earning in-game points and buying upgrades. There are ion cannons, missiles, snipers etc.
You use all this hard-core weaponry to blast things, of course. What things? I'm glad you asked. There are enemy mechs of several different types. There are helicopters. There are aircraft and anti-aircraft emplacements, armored personnel characters and other stuff. I must say that strategy is important. The anti-aircraft guns are no threat to you, but threaten your airborne forces. But, what good will it do to get killed early? So, kill those things that are a threat to you, then those that threaten your buddies in the air.
Wait, there is more. When you destroy any of this stuff, they yield their life force, if you will, in the form of a glowing ball called Electro Energy. When it comes out, you must tap and hold a button on the screen until your Mech sucks it up. It doesn't have a taste, odor or whatever but is good to buy upgrades. There are also supposed to be tanks of the stuff hidden in the game, but I have yet to find any, since I have been battling for my virtual reality life, as it were. As I mentioned, this game is only a buck, but in-apps seem to be encouraged. I can't say, as of now, if in-apps will be necessary to advance. I have only played it about an hour. Heck, I have been like a slightly ugly butterfly, flitting from one game to another in an orgy of game gluttony which the world has rarely seen. I still have not played The Dark Knight Rises, or Sky Gamblers, Air Superiority. They sit on my Padster, waiting patiently, for:
CE Wills.
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