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Dr. Simon's Exoskeleton (Shadowgun)

    Hey, everyone. Nice to be back with you after a tough, hectic week. We have had some snow, sleet, fog, drizzle, torrential rain and flooding this week.
     I'd like to talk, yet again, about Shadowgun, the shooter game for I-Padster. I was much further along than what I thought when I posted about some of the battles yet to be faced for those of you who had just killed the Driller. The fact is that I am on the last level. This level has Dr. Simon, the resident evil nutcase, inhabiting a monstrous, powerful robot. His brain resides in a bubble on top, much like a cherry on a hot fudge Sunday. (Yes, I am still on my eating binge) It is a tremendous fight because you not only have to kill this huge semi-person, but there are a bunch of mutant guards, flying drones etc. to deal with at the same time. I had played the darn level about thirty times and decided to check out someone else's battle. So I went to You-Tube and typed in, Dr. Simon Exoskeleton Walkthrough. I picked out a video of the fight and was surprised to note that I had been doing all the right things. I had to only persevere to defeat my enemies. Because I am John Slade, Shadowgun.
    I feel a similar sense of satisfaction with this game as I did with the awesome 9MM. These are two action games with a capital A.
    Hey, guess what I am snacking on as I blog tonight? I am having a boiled egg with mustard, some saltine crackers, cheetos, champagne, and a dough-nut filled with cream. This is a secret snack that I learned from my friend named Chester Cheetah. He used to work in marketing. He also runs, like really fast. Chester was at the house one day and he says, "Dude? If you want to be built like that guy John Slade on your video game ? Eat this stuff at about 3 in the morning. It's like having super powers, my man."
   Unfortunately, I don't seem to be building any muscle mass. I am, however, starting to grow orange fur under my armpits.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


  1. Just awesome, best graphic on a mobile I've ever seen

  2. Ok i only got this game on my samsang galaxy tab a week ago, i have found a simple way to kill the exo skeleton.... the first thing to do is when the screen opens up quickly switch to the missile launcher, run right up to the guard rail and when he taunts you shoot him in the face, he will reel back and expose this glowing thingie shoot that too.... then run to the left side of the screen and pick upmthe wet of missiles and continue right round till you get back to the starting point then repeat the whole shooting him in the face and glowy thing again, his health will be less than half, this time run to the right under the guys shooting at you to the lower right hand corner where you will find the ammo store, then wait till he taunts again and then shoot him in theface... stay there do not move his missiles wont hit you and also the other guys wont hit you enough times to kill you

    1. Hey. Thanks for your comment and the advice. You must be a heck of a player if you went that far in a week on Shadowgun. That's the way my friend Trevor is. It took me months. As I've said before, I have a love/hate relationship with this wonderful but frustrating game. All that being said, it is as much fun as you can have for that amount of money. Waiting on a sequel.

  3. go to to see the easiest way to kill the monster

    1. Hey, Sophie. Sorry that I took so long to get back to you. Thanks for the comment and the info about beating this mad scientist. I will try your method tonight. I like your blog very much, by the way.


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