Hey, everyone. My latest novel has been published on Smashwords and Amazon. It will be on Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Sony, I-Books and the rest of the stores within a couple of weeks.
Lost Gap features the return of Miller and Mai. It is the conclusion of a trilogy. This novel, in particular, is about Americans dealing with the aftermath of World War #3. It is fast paced and action packed. It is certainly not a book for anyone under the age of 18. This is the third and final novel in the series that started with KGB Retirement Program and Karina's Journal. It is a good read for 99 cents, in my opinion. If I were you, I'd start at the first of the series.
There is a link to your right for my author pages, if you are interested.
I'm CE Wills.
Lost Gap features the return of Miller and Mai. It is the conclusion of a trilogy. This novel, in particular, is about Americans dealing with the aftermath of World War #3. It is fast paced and action packed. It is certainly not a book for anyone under the age of 18. This is the third and final novel in the series that started with KGB Retirement Program and Karina's Journal. It is a good read for 99 cents, in my opinion. If I were you, I'd start at the first of the series.
There is a link to your right for my author pages, if you are interested.
I'm CE Wills.
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