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The I-Pad 2 And My Iron Resolve

    On rare occasions I demonstrate such self-discipline that I feel I must boast just a little. Today is one of those days. Knowing full well that the second generation I-Pad was emerging from its cocoon today I resisted the temptation to buy one until 5:03 PM local time. A lesser man would have doubtless had one earlier. I was told by a guy that was in front of me in line that the Apple store had a line that was out the door of the store and out of the door at the mall as well.
    Of course Apple takes care of their own stores first, as far as available inventory goes, but when I went to the local Wal-Mart I was told that they were supposed to get a total of seven I-Pad 2's but the shipment did not come in. So my wife and I went to another Wal-Mart and were assured that their shipment had indeed arrived. Unfortunately they had only received seven total. Four 16 Gig WiFi only, in the black, one 32 Gig WiFi only, and two 64 Gig WiFi only. In other words, none of them had the 3G connection chip whereby a guy could get on line like a cell phone. This did not bother me because I have no interest in another monthly payment to the cell phone people. I will use it just like the previous version. I will do my on-line stuff at home and that will be fine.
     We were second in line, after only forty minutes of waiting for the deadline of 5 PM. I bought a 64 Gig, in black, with a grey Smart Cover which is pretty cool. You should go to the Apple store and watch the video about the Smart Cover.
    Talked to some really nice folks while waiting in line. Funny how 'getting your geek on' tends to make friends of strangers. The lady behind us in line was a writer named Beverly Connor; she was very nice. I plan on finding her books and buying one. The guy in front of us was a really nice guy and he made the time fly as we chatted about all things I-Pad. He was one of those folks who had decided to wait and buy the second generation device. I assured him that he would love it.
    Right now I am sitting at my desk and typing this on my first I-Pad while my new one is in the process of loading up all the apps from my PC. It is taking a long time to download over 2000 pictures, 2500 songs, 350 books, almost 200 games and numerous other apps. The total in Gigs is a whopping 31 Gigs of my new 64 Gig stash. Probably good that I bought the 64 Gig version, especially considering the fact that this thing records video and all that. Incredibly, the ebooks are a tiny part of the total Gigs. Actually .02 Gig to be exact.
    I have been sitting here and sipping a very modest amount of beer as I watch the download process. This is a blatant lie. Because of this, it is doubtful that I will get any sort of a review done tonight. We went to Outback Steak House and ate an obscene amount of food after the I-Pad foray, then we went and saw the latest Matt Damon flick which is entitled The Adjustment Bureau. I will do a review of the movie and talk about the I-Pad 2 as the weekend progresses. In the mean time rejoice with me that I was able to resist the urge to spend impulsively on a device which I did not need.
    From the Man of Steel, here at the green retreat. I am CE Wills.


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