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Game Review: 9mm

Hey, everyone. I've had an I-Pad for more than a year now and I've had an I-Pad 2 since the day they came out. Over that time I have seen a steady increase in the quality of games. They have been especially good on the Deuce (I-Pad 2), as they look better and play more smoothly.
9 mm by Gameloft is one of the best games available for I-Pad. There is plenty of action, a bit of thinking, a good storyline and above all else, it is an FPS (First Person Shooter) with a capital S.
You have a choice of impressive weapons, limited only by your degree of ruthlessness in wresting them from the dead hands of drug dealers, human traffickers and people who curse a lot.
Before I forget, I would like to thank Gameloft especially for the EASY mode which enables poor players to make decent progress and not grow discouraged.
There are odd little niches in the game where you are riding on top of a tractor trailer. You are dodging low-hanging signs and shooting at a fugitive who is fleeing in a car. Sort of different from a normal game.
The star of the game is you, but your avatar is a detective named John Cannon. He is tough, ruthless and meaner than a junk yard dog. He probably doesn't bother to carry handcuffs because he doesn't believe in taking prisoners. When he, (you) take down a meth warehouse, he and two of his fellow cops decide to keep several hundred thousand dollars to mitigate the pain of their cop lives. Problem is, one of the dealers that Cannon has killed is the brother Of El Diablo. El Diablo has a bit of a bad reputation, hence the name. He also has anti-social tendencies.
Take my advice and switch to a shotgun for the early stages of the game. Then, when the number of goons gets out of hand, switch to a MAC 9. In those sleezy, darkened recesses of mob nightclubs, it's nice to be able to spray the darkened corners with 30 rounds in a matter of a couple of seconds.
9mm is a bit pricey at $6.99. It has been out for about two weeks and I have resisted the urge to purchase it. In the app store, if there is no free version, it's easy to get something you can't even play, like Dead Space. I'd rather wait a few months and get a game on sale for 99 cents.Even 2 months can see a price drop of several dollars. With 9mm, all that is not a problem as it is well worth the $6.99 purchase price. In fact, 9mm is a high-caliber game. Yuk, yuk. If you are a shooter, you'll be glad you bought it. You can bet that it is more intense than pounding little pigs with angry birds.
This game gets my rating of 5 stars out of 5. It carries a lot of cursing which doesn't bother me at all; it may bother others. For my part, it is easy to cure someone's propensity for cursing if you have a pump shotgun. Those punks on NOVA 2 could testify to that, if they were still alive.
I played this game for about 3 to 4 hours tonight. In fact, I just cleaned out a rough joint with a machine gun. The place caught on fire, but as a cop, I have to break a few eggs, to make an omelet.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


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