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Game Review: Star Battalion HD

    Hey, everyone. It's a stay at home weekend here at the green retreat, which means a lot of gaming on the Padster. I bought a bunch of games this weekend, some of which are really good. In that category, for sure, is an offering from Gameloft called Star Battalion HD. Here's the recipe.
    Do you remember when you watched the early Star Wars  movies and were glued to the screen as the X-Wing fighters and the Tye fighters were having those cool battles in space? Of course you do. Mainly because from that day to this you have wished that you could pilot one of those crafts in an aerial dog-fight. Well, tonight could be your night. That's what Star Battalion is all about. It's a fairly new game and it still has a few bugs but it is mega-cool and tons of fun. Keep in mind that I just bought it today and have not played it a lot.
    You have a choice of 4 different styles of ships with differing armaments and capabilities. Then you have varying missions over an array of landscapes. These backgrounds range from deserts to ice mountains, cities, jungles and of course, space. You can do rolls with your craft with the swipe of a finger and reverse course just as effortlessly. On my fighter it seemed that the secondary weapon fired high consistently and I soon learned to shoot at the base of my targets. The secondary weapon for my ship was a photon torpedo or missile of some sort. It was very cool to use but I tend to get frisky with them and soon ran out. This left me to use my lasers, which is pretty high cotton  (as we say here in the south) for a pilot. That means that the lasers are quite capable in their own right.
     The graphics for this game are terrific. I bought the HD version which was a pricey option for $4.99. During this sale you can get the I-Phone version for a mere 99 cents. Let me say a few things about the various versions in the hope of saving y'all (southern word for all- inclusive) some hassles.
    I had planned to get the free version of this game and try it out before parting with any of the coin of the realm. It downloaded okay but then would not even open up before it froze. I deleted that version but went to You Tube and watched a few videos of the game and became even more determined to have some of that action. Well, I always read a few reviews on the app store before buying and there were some people that had issues with all the versions; the free, the 99 cents and the HD. Finally I just bought the $4.99 version. I believe that if there are any problems  Gameloft will address them with a future update.
    I almost forgot to mention that you can play alone or on-line multiplayer with this game.
    I got a free app called App Shopper today. With this app you have several filters that allow you to track new games, free games or price drops in the app store. It is the best app of its kind on the store and it will help you stay informed. It will even send you an alert, if you wish, when a chosen game goes on sale.
    It's back to work for me tomorrow. If you are on the beach and searching for a good read, try one of my books. The language will be offensive to some but they are fast-paced and entertaining. Also, remember, if you have an I-Pad and want to get some game bargains, the app store sale ends on the 4th.
    Have a good 4th and I'll probably post something non-game related tomorrow night. I try to mix up my posts with items about books, movies, technology, nature, animals, music and a little homespun philosophy on occasion.
    From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


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