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New Games For The Padster

    Hey, everyone. It's a pretty day here at the green retreat. It is about 50 degrees and sunny. We have had a huge amount of rain this week so the sunshine is welcome indeed.
    I have been playing a few new games and I thought I'd give you my take on some of them.
1) Red Gun- This is a western game. You play as Red Gun (Hence the title), a guy who has a lot of enemies. The game is a very reasonable 99 cents. That is a plus and so is the fact that you get to shoot other gunmen. What I don't like about this game is the fact that you shoot your enemies by tapping on them with your finger, instead of the normal deal where you move your finger on a virtual pad to aim and then you fire. For some reason this detracts from the experience for me and makes it feel more like a kid's game. You may say to me, "Dude, games are for kids." Hey, they are also for big people and even the ...ahem, elderly. The recipe for this game is this: you hide behind barrels or whatever and pop up and down, in and out, in a duel with outlaws. They appear at windows and doors of buildings, like a shooting gallery. I should really play it some more and give it more of a chance, but I really don't care too much for it.
2) The Brutal Spy- This game gives you a top-down view of places like an old castle. You wander through the maze of rooms, tasked with finding a certain number of objects in a given time. There are armed men who try to hinder your progress by the unsavory method of shooting your bod. Most unseemly, don't you think? I played the free version and started out with a chainsaw being my only weapon. Then I bought a rifle and later came back and bought some ammo for the rifle when I had accumulated enough of the coin of the realm. This game is fairly fun and I appreciate the developers giving away a free version so people can make an informed buy. An odd glitch in this game takes you to I-Tunes University if you try to buy the full version. For this reason I cannot tell you how much the paid version is, at least not at this time. The graphics don't knock your socks off but the game play is okay.
3.) Death Call- Very similar to the game I just mentioned called Red Gun, with the exception that you aim with the left thumb-pad and fire with the right, rather than tapping the bad guys. I appreciate the free version and you can check it out before you buy.
4) Sea Wolf is a fun game. I've been playing the free version. You are fighting a sea battle with your submarine. You sink as many enemy ships as possible and you are also tasked with missions like blowing up bridges. There are torpedoe-planes that you have to shoot down, bridges to blow up and crates of suppies to destroy. Be sure not to shoot hospital ships or cargo boats. This is against the Geneva convention, I guess.  The full version is $1.99 and is probably worth that, even though, for 99 cents, I would have jumped on it, like white on rice.
     Batman, Arkham City is currently on sale for $2.99. This is a significant discount. I have been tempted to buy this game several times but I am not much of a guy to play the punch and kick games. I prefer the shooters with an occasional puzzle game or adventure game like Back Stab. I also play a tower defense game every once in a while.
     Desert Zombies, one of my favorite games, just put out another update. I downloaded it but I haven't played it enough since the update to say all the things that the update does for the game. I do know that they have given you two new levels, or maps. These levels are actually a nighttime version of two of the previous maps, which yields some spooky game play. I strongly suspect that Zombies see better in the dark than humans. That being said, I fear not to stalk them throughout the dark ruins of the city. They fear the mention of my name, as well they should.
    Another game which uses the Unreal Engine Technology, Epoch, has issued an update. There are new weapons and armor but alas, no new levels.
    Check back later for a review of Tiny Heroes, a cute game in the Tower Defense genre.
    From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.


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