Hey, everyone! Just got home from my day out on the town. I went to see Green Lantern. Then I stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home and searched for one of those cool green lantern rings but they did not have one with a suitable level of super powers. I did embarrass my wife. On the auto-sliding doors at the entrance, I stood in them and acted like I was holding them open with my Green Lantern force. She walked quickly toward the back of the store. I bought a less than adequate case for my Deuce, which is my new cool word for my I-Pad 2. This case is made by Incipio. There is no clip for the top of the device and if you hold it wrong the tablet will slide out of it and hit the ground. The case will be returned for a refund, I assure you.
Excuse me, I had an elderly moment and forgot that this was a movie review. Here's the recipe for Green Lantern.
This movie is very good. My wife liked it better than X-Men. I liked X-Men a bit better. I would give Green Lantern a 4 stars out of 5 and X-Men a 5 stars out of 5. I recommend seeing both on the big screen.
Green Lantern has terrific special effects and a good story. I like Ryan Reynolds in the title role. This flick is well written and well acted. Some of the monster scenes may be a bit intense for little people, say under 9 or 10?
Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan, a test pilot. His love interest is a fellow test pilot called Carol Ferris. She is played by actress Blake Lively. The two pilots work for Carol's dad who owns Ferris Aircraft. Mr. Ferris is a big wheel in the aerospace industry. Sorry, I just couldn't resist that pun.
After a particularly trying day when Hal crashes a rather expensive airplane, he gets captured by a mysterious green ball of energy which takes him to the wreckage of a space ship. He finds a dying alien who happens to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. This organization fights evil in the universe with the power of a mystic ring which works on the limitless power of the will. The surprise for Hal is that the ring has chosen Hal to be the successor of the dying alien dude. I'm glad my jewelry didn't have to choose me because I've never really felt like my rings even like me a lot.
Hal is whisked away by the ring to a planet where he gets a sort of 'too late' job interview. All these other Green Lantern types let him know how lame he is. If I had been Hal I would have to say, "Hey, if I'm so lame, why did the ring choose me?"
Hal returns to earth, far from encouraged. He can certainly dig the fun, but not the responsibility of being a super hero. The problem is, there is this really ugly alien person who draws his power from fear, rather than will (like the Lanterns). He likes to suck the life force from living things, including planets. Sort of like oil companies do to humans. A weird sort of virus from this being has infected Hal's associate, Hector Hammond. Hector is a nice geek who has the misfortune to be the son of a Senator. But now, Hector has these telepathic powers and mind-reading abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Hector is now the 'host' for the evil alien. Also his head has tripled in size and he's all warped and stuff. Hal just wants to wow his chick with his powers, but now he has to deal with a Green Lantern Corps which doesn't believe in him, a mutated human and a monstrous alien which looks like an octopus with a human face which has been dragged through mud for a year.
I won't reveal the ending but let me say that it is a climactic finish. You may leave the theater shaking your head in wonderment at the special effects changes in the last few years. For instance, in Gladiator, with Russel Crowe, you could tell that the scenes of Rome and the Coliseum were computer generated. Now you can't really tell so much.
The bottom line is this. Your girlfriend is already mad at you because so far all you've taken her to see this summer has been Superhero movies. Might as well push your luck and go for one more. Of course, Captain America is coming soon...
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
Excuse me, I had an elderly moment and forgot that this was a movie review. Here's the recipe for Green Lantern.
This movie is very good. My wife liked it better than X-Men. I liked X-Men a bit better. I would give Green Lantern a 4 stars out of 5 and X-Men a 5 stars out of 5. I recommend seeing both on the big screen.
Green Lantern has terrific special effects and a good story. I like Ryan Reynolds in the title role. This flick is well written and well acted. Some of the monster scenes may be a bit intense for little people, say under 9 or 10?
Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan, a test pilot. His love interest is a fellow test pilot called Carol Ferris. She is played by actress Blake Lively. The two pilots work for Carol's dad who owns Ferris Aircraft. Mr. Ferris is a big wheel in the aerospace industry. Sorry, I just couldn't resist that pun.
After a particularly trying day when Hal crashes a rather expensive airplane, he gets captured by a mysterious green ball of energy which takes him to the wreckage of a space ship. He finds a dying alien who happens to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. This organization fights evil in the universe with the power of a mystic ring which works on the limitless power of the will. The surprise for Hal is that the ring has chosen Hal to be the successor of the dying alien dude. I'm glad my jewelry didn't have to choose me because I've never really felt like my rings even like me a lot.
Hal is whisked away by the ring to a planet where he gets a sort of 'too late' job interview. All these other Green Lantern types let him know how lame he is. If I had been Hal I would have to say, "Hey, if I'm so lame, why did the ring choose me?"
Hal returns to earth, far from encouraged. He can certainly dig the fun, but not the responsibility of being a super hero. The problem is, there is this really ugly alien person who draws his power from fear, rather than will (like the Lanterns). He likes to suck the life force from living things, including planets. Sort of like oil companies do to humans. A weird sort of virus from this being has infected Hal's associate, Hector Hammond. Hector is a nice geek who has the misfortune to be the son of a Senator. But now, Hector has these telepathic powers and mind-reading abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Hector is now the 'host' for the evil alien. Also his head has tripled in size and he's all warped and stuff. Hal just wants to wow his chick with his powers, but now he has to deal with a Green Lantern Corps which doesn't believe in him, a mutated human and a monstrous alien which looks like an octopus with a human face which has been dragged through mud for a year.
I won't reveal the ending but let me say that it is a climactic finish. You may leave the theater shaking your head in wonderment at the special effects changes in the last few years. For instance, in Gladiator, with Russel Crowe, you could tell that the scenes of Rome and the Coliseum were computer generated. Now you can't really tell so much.
The bottom line is this. Your girlfriend is already mad at you because so far all you've taken her to see this summer has been Superhero movies. Might as well push your luck and go for one more. Of course, Captain America is coming soon...
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
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