Hey, everyone. It's hot in the green retreat the last few days. It's about 90 degrees here and 95 in the valley. Today I want to talk about 'the country', which is a term that Americans use to describe the areas remote from big towns. Country singer Travis Tritt is one of my favorites, because of that great sounding guitar he has and also because I love the words to his songs. One of his songs is called Country Ain't Country No More . It deals with the changes that overtake the areas where we live. All over America, and probably most of the world, people are moving into the rural areas, cutting down forests, building homes. In the song Travis bemoans the fact that the areas to hunt are being turned into strip malls and the old Sunday drive has turned into a chore. Wow, how long ago was that, when the family would go out and cruise around, for fun, just to look at stuff? Do you remember when deals were sealed with a handshake? It was just as s...
This is the blog of author CE Wills.This blog will have posts about animals and their behavior, nature, tracking, books, movies and music. It will also have a lot of reviews for I-Pad games and apps.