Hey, everyone. Our friends at Tatum Games have released another good game for I-Pad. It's called Robo Sockets, Link Me Up. It has a free version and the paid version is 99 cents. If you're like me, you'll probably try the free version, then buy the full version. Here's the recipe. You have a vertical board onto which these robots are falling. They have faces and little socket arms sticking out. Sometimes they stick out on top of the robot. Sometimes they stick out on one, or both sides. Sometimes they protrude from the bottom or heck, all sides.
Your mission is to link up these sockets until you get 5 robots hooked up which is when they hit critical mass and explode. This is good because it gets the little boogers out of your way. If they pile up too high and interfere with the new robots falling in, it's game over.
One thing I like about this game is the fact that it changes as you go along. For instance, you begin to get things like a bomb that destroys a whole level of robots at once. ( See? They understand the male gamer, you have to have some stuff to blow up or shoot.) There is also a device that falls in line with other robots but then it extends outward, smashing robots out the sides of the screen. Later you get this big drill that comes down and drills through anything beneath it, ridding you of a number of space-eating robots.
At one point you begin to receive a closed container with a question mark on it. Inside will be a robot, but you won't know where its hook-ups are until you set it down.
The bottom line is this: another good game from Tatum games. It's not as good as Carnivores, but then, what is? Except for Rage, of course.
From the author's green retreat, I'm CE Wills.
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